Donor Offers $2k to Save #ProtectTransKids if We Can Raise the Other $8k.

Earlier this week, I wrote about plans to close the #ProtectTransKids project due to a lack of funding.

Since then, one person whom I do not know IRL offered to make some calls as he put it.

Today, a woman reached out offering $2000 or 20% of the $10k we need if I can find the other $8000. I don’t know where to find $8000, but I recognize momentum when I see it.

Is it possible other people, businesses, corporations, foundations might contribute $8000? I have no idea. My post didn’t generate much hope in that direction. It did seem, however, fair to update you.

Two people stepped forward to try. That’s incredibly heartening. It has to be enough that they tried because I’m not sure how to raise $8000 more.

Still, now you know someone does care.


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