She Donated Cat Dental Treats for Each Colony Caretaker

Amy has been my friend since at least 1974 when we both started kindergarten. She shared her home with a cat, a dog, and a granddog on occasion.

Dental treats!

She saw my post about the holiday pet food drive and responded. Her donation included a bag of dental treats for each of our households. What a lovely holiday surprise. While we’ll accept any treats, of course, we urge you to consider dental treats.

I have lovely friends. Please join in her generosity.

Where to Donate

Two permanent drop-off spots at
1213 W. North Avenue Pittsburgh 15233 (steps)
1440 Faulsey Way Pittsburgh 15233 (backyard address)
Look for the bins and the yellow #PghCatFolx yard signs
Coordinate drop-off/pick-uo of larger donations via email
Amazon Wishlist /

Financial donations

Venmo pittsburghlgbtq

What to Donate

Small, medium and large bags of all brands and flavors. Special diet foods welcome.
Dry food, cats and dogs
Canned food, cats and dogs
Treats, cats and dogs *Dental treats are high value
Paper plates and bowls, any type or style
Chemical hand warmers to keep food/water from freezing


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