Here’s How Day 12 of Pneumonia Feels

I’ve been feeling better each day if I don’t push myself too much.

Yesterday, I pushed so today I feel awful. Not as awful as last Friday. But in bed for a nap at 2 PM, struggle to complete chores, struggle to complete paperwork awful.

My coughing is minimal thanks to meds. My chest still feels tight, but not unbearably so.  I’m having GI symptoms again. Coughing with GI symptoms is not fun.

I’ve gone through three boxes of tissue, a bottle of cold medicine, a box of tea, and at least 20 bottles of Gatorade.

I have resumed feeding the cat colonies. I don’t spend much time, but I make up for it with extra treats. It is very restorative to go out and do that. I miss those critters.

Pneumonia sucks. It drains my energy, ruins my sleep, destroyed my taste. Recovering from pneumonia is more of an art than science because one misstep can release the hacking. See what I did there?

Grateful to all the people who showed up, especially to deal with things that require a car. I can see now how readily someone isolated and without a car can get really sick for lack of support. My new goal is to not be that person.

Pneumonia and lack of a car derailed my flu shot and COVID booster. Now I have to wait until my doctor says it is okay to get them. I’m also being considered for the shingles vaccine and the pneumonia vaccine. Sigh. I know, I know – I’m grateful for insurance, for vaccines and boosters. I do not want to be this sick again anytime soon.

Someone on Facebook recently commented that I always seem sad. My first impulse was to say “no, no, I’m grateful to be in my home with my cats and my friends who support me. no sad here” But that’s not true. I don’t talk with myself about it, but I know sadness seeps into each blog post or social media tout. Like this one. So I am happy to be on the mend. Truly.

If you see me this weekend, remind me not to push it.


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