Join Dr. John P. Ruffing VMD Pet Food Pantry in Celebrating Betty White Day With a Volunteer Project

Betty White Day Pittsburgh

The birthday of beloved actor and animal advocate Betty White is approaching. It is a terrific opportunity to help your neighbors who take care of local animals. Her birthday is Friday Jan so we’ll be observing on Saturday Jan 18.

We’ll be meeting at the Pgh Pet Food Pantry on the Northside to sort through the non-food items and prepare them for distribution – beds, blankets, toys, cute doggie outfits, leashes, you name it.

It isn’t heavy work. It will take place on the second floor of a home and requires you to climb steps to the porch and then the second floor. There will be plenty of seating, Hello Kitty themed bathroom, and you can see the pantry.

Our pet pantry households have been asking for these items, but we need help to get them out of the door.

Volunteers Needed: 3-4
Time: 11 AM – 1 PM ish
Tasks: Sorting, organizing, packing for distribution, identifying mystery items we can’t quite place, light lifting.
Snacks: water, coffee, hot tea, and cheesecake

If you cannot join us, please consider a donation of items in honor of Betty White – food items, towels, pet bed, etc

Please help these neighbors with their critters.

Special Request – treats for feral cats seems so innocent, but dental disease is a huge health concern. So we are asking for donations of dental treats.

Donations can be dropped at these locations.

  • US Steel Workers lobby 60 Boulevard of the Allies, Pittsburgh, PA 15222
  • 1213 W. North Avenue Pgh 15233. Some steps. Food can go in the bin on the porch.
  • 1440 Faulsey Way Pgh 15233 Backyard address. Food can also go in the bin with the yellow sign.
  • Contact us directly to make other arrangements.


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