Another Urgent Plea for Dr. John P. Ruffing Pet Food Pantry – Families in Urgent Need

Two days ago, we posted an appeal for donations to the Dr. John P. Ruffing Pet Food Pantry. Our supplies have run low and we need donations to fulfill needs through April. Our main needs are dry and canned cat food, but we also distribute dry and canned dog food.

We also have three special pet needs

A family facing eviction and job loss is in particular need of a large bag of dry cat food and a large bag of dry dog food, plus some bunny food to help them during this difficult transition time. They are able to keep the pets in their new home if that becomes necessary. You can order through the means below and just mark it ‘family” so we’ll know where to direct it.

Two colony caretakers have shared that they are using their human food to stretch the cat food out. One colony was at 10 TNRd cats, but several more have shown up recently – there’s a TNR plan in place. The second colony has 12 cats, also TNRd. We appreciate their ingenuity managing food, but we’d like to lift that burden right now while we can. Our monthly distribution doesn’t stretch to cover that many cats. If you can send a large bag of dry cat food for each of them, we can get them through two months without having to go to these lengths.

Yes, they are connected with food pantries and other food security resources.

Finally, we REALLY need three 32 gallon trash cans with locking lids to help our caretakers keep their trash protected from wildllife and cats. In all cases, existing cans and/or lids were damaged by waste management and requires the person to buy a replacement then get a reimbursement. That’s $20-40 they don’t have to spare. We can accept gently used cans as well as long as the lid locks.

Please help!

Financial Donations and Wishlists

Venmo @ PittsburghLGBTQ

Wish List via Amazon

Wish List via Chewy

Checks payable to ‘Pittsburgh LGBTQ Charities’ mailed to 1439 W. North Avenue Pittsburrgh, PA 15233

Donations Drop-Off Spots

*US Steel Workers lobby 60 Boulevard of the Allies

*1213 W North Avenue Manchester 15233 (some steps)

*1440 Faulsey Way Manchester 15233 (near Faulsey and Blake Way – this is my backyard)

Look for yellow cat folx signs and bins!

Suggested Items

Dry cat food – small and large bags, any brand. Purina and Rachael Ray are popular

Canned cat food – any brand or size. Partial quantities are fine.

Specialty foods – urinary tract, senior, etc

Special request – three 32 gallon trash cans with locking lids, new or gently used (to keep critters out of the trash for some of our caretakers)

Cat litter – any brand or size

Pet beds – in good gently used condition, any size or shape


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