Man Threatens to ‘Track Me Down’ for a ‘Physical Discussion’ in Response to My Trans Affirming Content

“I’m on my way out anyway. I will find people affiliate with you. I do not stop for protesters. I will run through you”

Content Note: threats of violence, transgender content, police

Over 20 years of blogging and activism, I have been thrashed and trashed from many corners. I’ve had mean, vicious comments, email, postal letters, and phone calls. The content is usually a topic I covered followed by the dissection of my weight, appearance, intelligence, ugliness, and so forth. It is ablest, sexist, misogynistic, and pathetic.

People have a hard time saying “You are wrong” or “I disagree with you” and laying out their argument. Maybe I’ve been guilty of the same thing myself over these many years.

But today something different happened – I received a death threat. It was a message to the Facebook page for my blog. It chilled me.

Screenshot from my Facebook page for this blog

The first thing I did was call my friend D, the most level headed person I know. Then I called both of my lawyers. And then I waited for guidance, trying not to think of this person traveling across state lines to carry out his threat. I have rarely felt so alone.

My lawyers both told me to go to the police. They both knew why that was difficult for me and suggested I bring a support person. We all knew not much would be done about it except the paper trail itself. Because it crossed state lines, maybe it would find its way to the FBI that has a solid track record on hate crimes in Pittsburgh. But the federal government has made it clear that protecting people like me from hate is no longer a priority.

I did call 911. Then I received a return call from the Telephone Reporting Unit who took all the details and the evidence. Allegedly, I’m supposed to get a call from the detective. I also contacted the LGBTQ Liaison, Lieutenant Baker.

Protecting people like me from hate is no longer a priority.

The person who wrote the message is a real person, not a throwaway account. They didn’t bother to hide because they aren’t worried about consequences for whatever reason.

It seems this person objects to the content I share from Instagram to my Facebook page, not so much blog content. I could be wrong. It is clear that they are responding to my trans affirming content, regardless. So I posted more of it. And I will continue to do so.

A year and a half ago, some TERFs came at me over the Protect Trans Kids project. They defaced my Wikipedia page, they posted just awful vicious things about me. I was struggling with my health so it was particularly hard to process. I remember my wife said “Fuck those bigots, you keep protecting trans kids.”

One reason I share this is to shine the light of day on the ugliness hurled our way. I also want my own paper trail just in case this were to escalate. I also want to assuage the loneliness and isolation. When I called the police, when I wrote this post, I kept hearing an inner voice telling me I was overreacting, making a big deal out of nothing, it is just part of being a blogger, people have it worse off, suck it up buttercup, etc.

That voice is wrong. No one should feel afraid or unsafe to share content on social media. No one should have to pay two lawyers to develop a plan. No one should let fear suppress their support of the trans community.

We all deserve better.

How can you help?

Donate to my legal and blog fund via GoFundMe

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You can follow me on Instagram and Facebook (and BlueSky) as evidence that people have my back and want more of my content. You can engage trans affirming content so we are louder than them. That the right side of history belongs with us.


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