Pennsylvania Senate Introduces Anti-Transgender Legislation while Pine-Richland School District continues to ignore child pornography charges

The Pennsylvania State Senate has taken action to protect the Keystone State from gender identity realities with the Two-Gender Protection Act.

Senate Bill 213 was introduced in the Pennsylvania State Senate by Senator Doug Mastriano

This law would mandate that Pennsylvania State Government use “sex” instead of “gender” in official communications and require that all state-issued identification documents accurately reflect a person’s biological sex as identified at birth.

MSNBC reports

Under the bill, state institutions, schools and other state-funded locations would have the option to provide gender-neutral bathrooms and changing areas, ensuring these facilities remain completely private and separate from single-sex spaces.

Mastriano also said the legislation would prevent taxpayer funds from being allocated for gender-transition health care.

As a cisgender woman, I feel so much safer that our Republican elected officials continue to be obsessed with genitalia and harassing a vulnerable minority. I’m glad their legislative priorities are so in line with the typical Pennsylvanian. Most people don’t think we should be harassing children in school bathrooms. Like the Pine-Richland School District has a janitor facing felony charges for selling vape pens and alcohol at the high school on top of a former athletic trainer who has been arrested on multiple child pornography charges for recording video of students in locker rooms, including students at Pine-Richland. But there’s been zero action or media coverage on the progress of that case.

Children at Pine-RIchland were photographed/videorecorded by a former staff member – where’s the outrage? There are former students who deserve support and compensation for these injuries.

Where’s the outrage for children who were violated?

The bill was referred to the State Government Committee.


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