The Body of 25 Year Old Black Trans Woman Ervianna ‘Baydee’ Johnson Was Found Near a Pond in North Carolina

Ervianna Johnson via Facebook

The homicide of a 25 year old Black trans woman in Tabor, North Carolina on February 19, 2025 came to light after an exhaustive search when her family reported her missing six days prior. Her name was Ervianna “Baydee” Johnson.

Note: some media, law enforcement, and family members refer to Ervianna by her assigned name and gender.

The Crime

According to BlaqueOut magazine. Ervianna left her home without her phone, keys or belongings at 3:00AM on February 13. This gave her family reason to think she would be back quickly. She did not return so her family began to search for her. On February 16, they filed a missing persons report. Family found Ervianna’s body on Wednesday, Feb 19, 2025. Her body was found near a pond to the south of where she had lived on Bermuda Bay Lane. She was discovered face down without shoes.

On February 26, police announced that her death was a homicide. The Columbus County Sheriff’s Office (CCSO) is working with the North Carolina State Bureau of Investigation They are awaiting final autopsy results.

No suspect has been identified.

Anyone with information about Ervianna is asked to call 910.640.1428.

Honoring Ervianna

Ervianna lived in Tabor City, North Carolina with family. She turned 25 in September. According to her social media, she worked as a digital content creator and at LaQuinta Inn & Suites.

Her social media content suggests she liked to dance, she was creative, brave, and bold. One thing about social media is that she gets to tell her own story – in images, video, memes, words, all of it. She created the unique story of her life. She repeatedly stated that she wanted to go viral. We could try to make that happen as a tribute to her life versus the story of her death alone.

She liked GloRilla, Rupaul’s Drag Race, and hip-hop majorette competitions. I was definitely impressed with her drop split.

Most of all, Ervianna’s family fills her social media, especially her nephews and nieces. She celebrated their birthdays, went to their events, and boasted about them. Clearly, she adored them. One of her final videos was celebrating an unexpected snowfall giving her a chance to have a snowball fight with them.

She was vibrant in so many ways. It is heartrending that those children will grow up without her. It is tragic she won’t grow up.

The Context

Ervianna is the fourth trans person whose death has been reported in 2025. She is the third trans woman, the third Black trans woman, and the fourth Black transgender person on our list.

All of the people on our list for this year are Black trans folx. Not most of them, not the majority – all of them.

In 2024, we reported on the death of Quanesha Shantel  age 26. In 2023, North Carolina lost two trans folx – KC Johnson and Jacob Williamson. Sasha Mason  was killed in 2022. In 2021, three folx were killed Jenna Franks Jaida Peterson and Remy Fennell,

This young woman deserved better. How does her family cope with the loss, especially since they found her? How do you get past such a tragedy? Now they wait for the autopsy, they wait for an investigation, they wait for justice.

They waited for Ervianna to come home in a reasonable amount of time and then they went searching for her. I suspect the same will be true here. They will look for justice just like they looked for her. Maybe I’m reading too much into the analogy. I think of Sam Nordquist’s family also on that path now. Sometimes I wonder if the families speak, if any connects them. Or their friends. Who would do that?

I’d be remiss if I failed to point out that a 25 year old white cishet blond woman found facedown without her shoes near a pond would dominate the headlines across the nation, that resources would pour in, elected leaders speaking out, podcasts launched, etc. I know this because I listen to Black women, but also because right on this blog a post about a young white trans woman killed in 2016 is trending for some reason. I don’t know why. But the contrast is stark and terrifying.

Rest in power, Ervianna. Your bright energy filled the world around you. I hope there’s comfort knowing your family went looking for you and didn’t rest until they brought you home. I hope we will stand by them as they now search for answers. I am sorry we did not keep you safe.

May your memory be a revolution.

Deaths reported in 2025

  1. Tahiry ‘Tokyo’ Broom – February 9, 2025. Detroit, Michigan. Age 29.
  2. Sam Nordquist – February 2025. Canandaigua, New York. Age 24.
  3. Amyri Dior – February 21, 2025. Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Age 23.
  4. Ervianna ‘Baydee’ Johnsonn – February 19, 2025. Tabor City, North Carolina. Age 25.

Other deaths I’ve reported during 2025


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