PG Letters to the Editor: Shout Out to the Homos!

In today's Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, we find two (2) letters to the editor responding to A Gospel of Intolerance.

Susan J. Boulden of Oakmont writes ” As a 20-year member of Integrity, the Episcopal Organization of Gays and Lesbians, and a 35-year member of the Episcopal Diocese of Pittsburgh, I had been praying that someone in our church would address Archbishop Akinola's complicity in the legal persecution against homosexual people in Nigeria.”

She goes on to chastise Pgh's own Bishop Duncan for leading a war against the Episcopal Church, the Anglican Church of Canada and the Church of England

.Bishop Duncan

Jno and Anne Hunt of McCandless (wow – Malicious Hart territory) clearly get it.  They write “It is tragic for Archbishop Akinola, a professed Christian, to promulgate doctrines of bigotry and hatred instead of the gospel of love, acceptance and respect for all of our fellow men that is the heart of Christ's teachings. “

But here's the best line …. Since silence is consent, how can we possibly tolerate their acceptance of Archbishop Akinola's doctrines of hatred and prejudice?

One more time —   Since silence is consent, how can we possibly tolerate their acceptance of Archbishop Akinola's doctrines of hatred and prejudice?



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