Diane Gramley and the AFA of PA weigh in on “marriage amendment”

They have a fancy new website which makes it easier for me to find the press releases since they keep kicking me off their email lists …

On HB 1434

“Representative Metcalfe understands the need to do more than simply protect the word ‘marriage.’  A strong two-part amendment is what is needed to preserve the institution of marriage.   In 2004 Oregon passed an amendment that simply defined marriage as between one man and one woman and four years later marriage-like benefits were extended to homosexual couples.  Their amendment only preserved the word, not the institution of marriage,” stated Diane Gramley, President of the AFA of PA.

The word “marriage” is the issue.  Marriage a legal term used to describe a civil institution.  I want access to that institution.  I don't give a hoot about the religious constructs of marriage.  But there's no way to parse the word and people who think we can magically come up with a solution which satisfies everyone are thinking desperately.  No one is coming to take over the church ceremonies.  Relax and save your hysteria for the natural gas companies where it is well deserved.

Setting aside the other LGBT legislation, I just shake my head that so many issues will go unaddressed while elected officials rally around this.  I'm sure it will be the toast of Cranberry Township tomorrow night when Metcalfe, the Pennsylvania Family Institute and rightwing darling Lila Rose will be gathering for the PFI Annual Dinner.  I wish I had ability to infiltrate.  With a Flip Cam. 



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