Xander Dunhoff-Kerr died on January 19, 2016. He was 14.
He was a great dog, devoted to me, mischievous on occasion, smart, sweet to his siblings, and mighty.
I miss him fiercely. And his littermate brother, Amadeus, who died in 2015.
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Xander Dunhoff-Kerr died on January 19, 2016. He was 14.
He was a great dog, devoted to me, mischievous on occasion, smart, sweet to his siblings, and mighty.
I miss him fiercely. And his littermate brother, Amadeus, who died in 2015.
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In time may all your memories of your pup only bring you smile. Be blessed in the knowledge that you shared good times with such a sweet friend. Feel the hug! : (