Summer Lee has Been On The Record Since February Supporting President Biden’s Reelection.

Her campaign has never contacted me to my knowledge. But they bought my information for their text appeals. And reached out to me late last week.

She claimed Congresswoman Summer Lee will not support reelecting President Joe Biden.

So I responded with a link to a Q&A Congresswoman Lee did with my blog where she in fact does state her support for the President.

Do you support reelecting President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris in 2024? Why or why not? 

I do, a second Trump term would be catastrophic for so many reasons.

Congresswoman Lee was the second person to answer my Q&A. I published this on February 26, 2024. I can only assume Bhavini Patel and her staff and supporters don’t read LGBTQ blogs?

So when I replied to the text, I was unsubscribed from their list.

I provided receipts that the narrative was false. And they basically blocked me.

Is that who we want serving us in Congress?


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