Saying Goodbye to Grandma Precious, a very nice cat

Our sweet baby Precious is not well. She went downhill quickly, we rushed her to veterinarian Friday night.  Precious is at least 15.

She’s spending most of her time in my room. She sleeps on cat bed under my bed, lounges on my bed, and sometimes sits on the rug.

She drinks water on her own, she makes her way to the litter box. Her appetite is not great, but she eats every few hours. she occasionally totters into the hallway to check out that feeding station.

Many of the other cats have come to see her. Precious has been a nurturing grandma to some, especially Muriel, Molly, and Kinzua. Kinzua has been in here often, curling around her to offer comfort perhaps. Our other Grandma, Coco, comes in quite a bit.

I spent last night and most of today hanging out with her, watching TV, and making sure she are. Overnight, I was up every few hours to check on her and feed her. Tomorrow will be the same.

She has an appointment on Monday. It is 99% likely we will have to euthanize her. So this pretty okay farewell time is precious itself.

I am very sad, however, that I was kept away from her and all of my cats for 7.5 months. I’ve only been reunited with her for 10 weeks. My presence wouldn’t have changed her health trajectory. It could have given her comfort, reduced her anxiety about my disappearance, and been another pair of hands to provide the caring. It probably would have made those 7.5 months better for her.

And that cannot be undone. All I can do is make good decisions now for Precious. And continue to contribute to improving the quality of life for all of our cats. Also, expect me to continue speaking out about the unintended but real consequences of  life choices.

Precious is loved by everyone in this household. We will do right by her.

I was thinking about ordering a cheese pizza tomorrow. She likes pizza cheese.  She also loves eating from the plates of her human. Tonight, I fake ate some pasta from her actual plate of cat foods.

This is exhausting. And sad.


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