What Happened to the Political Q&As?

I am behind in publishing the Q&A’s, I know, I know. The ACDC endorsement is Sunday, I know, I know.

It has just been a very hard month so I am behind. I will catch up this week. It is my primary goal. Housework, laundry, and Q&A’s. And cats.

I got some good news today so that’s a jolt of energy. Can’t tell you about it just yet. But we can plan to file it under “potentially landscape changing” if you are into that sort of thing. Or just good news.

We received another 200 cans of cat food and offers of a few bags if we can arrange transport. Definitely good news.

I had a tough therapy session today. Monday is trauma processing day. So it shakes up my soul a little bit even when it goes well or constructively. Of all the steps I’ve taken to remain in control of my life, therapy is by far one of the best choices. Get a good therapist and when you have a very hard month like my February 2025, you’ll have tools. Like Carol on the Walking Dead. I haven’t watched that in years, but I’ve always admired Carol. She’s a tough lady. Probably not big on therapy though.

Stay tuned ….


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