15 New Jersey Girl Speaks OUT for Her Fathers – Go Madison

Washington is poised to legalize marriage equality.

New Jersey is in hot debate over that very topic. Garden State Equality has the latest.

 In the Garden State, lawmakers are working to lock down the number of votes needed to override Gov. Chris Christie’s expected veto of a bill permitting gay marriage. New Jersey Democrats believe they have enough votes to pass a bill, but Christie, a Republican, has vowed to veto such a measure if it reaches his desk. He is urging lawmakers to leave the matter up to voters; lawmakers have said they have no intention of humoring the governor in such a way.

In other words, Christie wants to put a civil rights measure to a referendum vote. Some would point to the fact that civil rights measures shouldn’t be determined by popular opinion. Interestingly popular opinion is slowly moving to support marriage equality.

But referendums aren’t about the will of the people. They are about the $ of the special interests. And minorities will always be outspent by those who benefit from the status quo.

15 year old Madison testified before the NJ General Assembly. She simply wants her family to be equal and promises to fight for her fathers’ intent to marry for the rest of her days. Watch.

Well, not so much. My site is down again. So here’s the link to watch the video. I’ll be in the corner beating my head against the wall.



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