One Shade of Grey

Do you share any physical resemblance or personality trait with one of your female ancestors? Who? What is it?

Ah, interesting question because I look exactly like my Dad. But I do have my mother’s premature grey hair. All of the women in her family live with this affliction. I never saw my mother with her natural hair color (dark brown) because she was grey by 30. Same with my aunt who was a few years younger than her.

My four female cousins who also descend from that branch of the tree are all blonds so the grey did not show up very much. I had grey hairs in college and streaks by the age 30. Now I’m 43 and not quite all grey, but significantly grey. I’m hoping to get to the salon soon and do something fun, like maybe lowlights and a streak or something. I don’t really care about grey hair personally. Most of the time, people think I’m older than Ledcat anyway when she in fact is 7 years older than me.

I have the grey hair, but I resemble my father.
I have the grey hair, but I resemble my father.


My mother dyed her hair most of my childhood as did her mother and sister. They grew up going to the beauty parlor twice a week (their Dad had some bucks) so it was a must do thing. In her late 50’s, my mom’s hair suddenly turned this beautiful poof of white and from that point forward, her hairdresser refused to dye her hair. So she went from quasi-redhead to Ann Richards in a matter of months. She still fusses (at 71) but she looks great with white hair. My aunt unfortunately passed about a decade ago and didn’t get to go through that process.

Actor Lauren Koslow is famous for her blue streak and edgy nail polish. At age 61, she says it is fun and a tribute to her punk rock heroes. She stars as Kate Roberts on Days of Our Lives
Actor Lauren Koslow is famous for her blue streak and edgy nail polish. At age 61, she says it is fun and a tribute to her punk rock heroes. She stars as Kate Roberts on Days of Our Lives

I suspect that working at home and only PT in a consultant capacity also bolsters my lack of concern about what people think about my hair. I’m not in a rat race competition. I always wore my hair short when I worked, but I never really had a hair style. Just short and then “need a hair cut” length. That certainly helped me get ready quickly in the morning. Now getting ready means pets and coffee and eventually taking off my pajamas.


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