The Pennsylvania House Passed a Bill Clarifying Marriage Equality a Decade After SCOTUS Ruling, Now Onto the Senate

For years, I have ranted about several facts. Two of them are 1) Pennsylvania legislators have never successfully passed any LGBTQ affirming legislation and 2) they haven’t cleaned up their mess around anti-LGBTQ actions. One such mess is closer than ever to being cleared. The Pennsylvania House of Representatives has approved legislation to remove the […]

What Are the Legal Costs To Defend Domestic Partnerships and Marriage Equality in Pennsylvania?

This past weekend was my third wedding anniversary. It was a bit harder than I thought to think about marriage joy. But we had a plan. I’ve gifted my wife with the “traditional”gift each year that we could share, so I decided to gift myself something leather this year. In this leather case, it was […]

US Supreme Court Leaves Stand Texas High Court Ruling Undermining Marriage Equality

Domestic Partner Benefits

This is a nightmare scenario for me. I am not being histrionic, or perhaps I am being consistent with the histrionic level I’ve been maintaining on domestic partner benefits since 2014.  The US Supreme Court has let stand a Texas Supreme Court  ruling that there is no established right to spousal benefits in same-sex marriages. […]

Keith, 48, is a Gay, White Man Using Marriage Equality for Teachable Moments in North Carolina #AMPLIFY

Gay Man Allegheny

Editor’s Note: It seems appropriate to share that Keith is the first openly LGBTQ person that I knew; we grew up together. He was the second person that I came out to myself. And even having that history – and decades of friendship – his answers took me by suprise, in a good way. ~ […]

Plaintiff in PA Marriage Equality Lawsuit, Fredia Hurdle, Dies at Age 50

Fredia Hurdle

  Fredia Hurdle is remembered as a force of nature by her family and friends in the aftermath of her death on Thursday, August 7, 2014. She is known for her role as a plaintiff in the landmark case that brought marriage equality to Pennsylvania (Whitewood, et al v Wolf, et al) where she and […]

#MoreThanMarriage – The Blade and City Paper Take a Deeper Look at Equality

Pittsburgh Pride

I was pleased to be part of these articles exploring the “what’s next?” angle of the marriage equality decision. As you probably realize, I’m a big picture ‘what’s next?’ kind of blogger. Some might say the glass is half empty; I say let’s fill the damn glass up and stop engaging in pointless philosophizing. Michael […]

UPDATED Decision Day PA: What Happens After The Marriage Equality Ruling(s)

marriage equality PA

Marriage equality has come to Pennsylvania after a decision was handed down today. A stay was not issued, but we encourage you to read this FAQ by the ACLU of Pennsylvania for more information. More details coming after tonight’s Decision Day Rally.   Congratulations to Oregon! From Freedom to Marry: Eighteen states – CA, CT, […]

If Marriage Equality Comes to PA, Then What

marriage equality PA

There are six pending marriage equality cases in Pennsylvania right now. Two are in the Federal District Courts Whitewood v. Wolf* Palladino v. Corbett* In State Court Pennsylvania Health Dept. v. Hanes* Ballen v. Corbett* Cucinotta v. Pennsylvania* In re Estate of Burgi-Rios* Whitewood v Wolf is the case with which you are most likely familiar […]

Two Big Federal Wins for Marriage Equality

Thursday brought news of two significant rules that will have an immediate impact on LGBTQ families. First, the Department of Health and Human Services issued a ruling on Medicare: Gay married couples are now eligible for nursing home care through Medicare-funded private insurance in the aftermath of the Supreme Court’s decision against the Defense of […]

Pennsylvania: The Battle Ground for Marriage Equality And Where I Happen To Live

“It must be exciting living in Pennsylvania,” she typed via Facebook. “There’s something new every day.” She is, of course, referring to our unexpected status as an epicenter for the marriage equality struggle. The ACLU has taken the Commonwealth to federal court over marriage equality.  The State Attorney General won’t defend the lawsuit because she […]