Posts by Sue:
Cat Lady Chronicles – No, That’s not a Maine Coon and Yes, We Do Need Cat Food
Here’s our latest adventures Helena Cassadine seems a little down so we were able to get into a follow-up appointment with Fix’n Wag’n where she had been spayed a year ago. The good news is that she is physically healthy – her teeth are especially excellent. The bad news is that I had to drive […]
Q&A With Ed Gainey, Candidate for Mayor, City of Pittsburgh
Last year, a pro-Trump candidate got the ACDC endorsement in a legislative race, but this year, in endorsing me, the ACDC is supporting a Black candidate for Mayor for the first time in it’s history. What those two results show me is that we are in a fight for the soul of our local party, […]
Day One, Year Two: My Obligatory Anniversary Covid-19 Anniversary Post
On this day in 2020, Laura worked her final full day at her office with the City of Pittsburgh, came home and began to set up her home workspace in our kitchen. She’s in that workspace right now, working. This is what we consider our demarcation of the COVID-19 pandemic quarantine. This is day 1, […]
Review: WAMA Hemp Underwear
WAMA approached me about reviewing their underwear after reading my review of TomboyX. I have a few items made with hemp material so I thought it was worth a shot. So why hemp underwear? Our mission is to pioneer the hemp underwear industry by making the best hemp undies in the world and constantly improving […]
A Mental Health Milestone For Me
This is more of a post for me than you, dear reader, but you can read along. Today, I had a teletherapy session and we did some EMDR targeting a difficult closing to my work with the Catholic Church in the 1990’s. It was difficult because they were just awful and terrible and immoral to […]
Of Pandemic Anniversaries: Part One
While I expected the “anniversary” of the pandemic would be sobering, I did not anticipate the emotional wall I would collide with this month. For the most part, we have had a relatively fortunate time during this horror. Our income didn’t change, we could work from home, we had lots of streaming services, access to […]
Delivering Cat Food to Neighbors in Need
This was an exhausting, but good week – I had the opportunity to deliver hundreds of pounds of cat food to neighbors managing cat colonies via the Pgh Cat Food Drive. We helped trap one lost cat (see that story here) and we are on the trail of another missing cat who escaped his trap […]
23-year-old Black Trans Woman Shot to Death in Cincinnati
She was 23-years-old, born and raised in Cincinnati. On March 3, she became the latest Black trans woman murdered in the U.S. Her name was Diamond Kyree Sanders. She also was known as Diamond Nicole. Cincinnati police responded to a report of a person shot on Morrison Avenue around 3:42 a.m., according to a Wednesday […]
How Our Lesbian Wedding Registry Reunited a Missing Cat With His Humans
In early January, a cat named Buddy escaped from his foster group during a routine transport. He was spotted on the Northside in the Allegheny West neighborhood. In early February, two lesbians also on the Northside got married. One of their wedding registries was primarily cat rescue gear – traps, crates, nets, gloves, food, and […]
Seeking Political Candidates to Take Our Political Q&A
Since 2018, we have published a series of Q&A’s with candidates for all levels of political office – borough councils, school boards, judicial candidates, statewide office, and more. We kicked off our 2021 Primary season via Q&A with Pittsburgh Mayor Bill Peduto earlier this month. And we’ve invited other candidates to participate. Here are the […]
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