Posts by Sue:
Write Something Gay, They Said
I dislike when anyone tells me what to write about or what not to write about on my blog. “Sue,” they say with concern. “Your posts are a little intense/personal/uncomfortable-to-read.” They tell me they miss my political content and toss out potential topics to inspire me, much like people toss snacks at zoo animals to […]
Help Connect Trans and Queer Community With Masks via #PghMasQUeProjecT
We have 17 days left to raise $6500 via our ioby crowdfund. Fortunately, ioby has partnered with the Elsie Hillman Foundation to give us a 100% match on individual donations up to $500. So we really need to raise $3250 in 17 days, access the match, and rest easy for a bit knowing we can […]
My First Doll
Content Note: sexual violence, assault, intergenerational trauma, child abuse I still have my very first baby doll, a rag doll named Mary. She sleeps in a cradle that was originally a wooden planter. She lived on a relatives dresser for many years and I finally inherited her when that person moved. I’ve written before about […]
Donate Cat Food to These 8 Local Feral Colony Caretakers
Some people tell me we should stay focused on human needs, not animals. I say we do both and more. I also say helping neighbors who give up their own food for their cats is helping people. A healthy, well-fed colony with a caretaker monitoring the cats is ideal. Yes, new cats will show up, […]
On Day 185
The ennui is debilitating. I can actually tick off accomplishments. Got my flu shot. Delivered supplies to volunteers. Returned tupperware. Cleaned cat cage. Ate lunch and dinner. I haven’t eaten at a restaurant since early March. Today, the CDC released a report that makes this a very smart accomplishment. With COVID-19 Twice As Likely To […]
We Seized Day 184: a saga of Stefano DiMera and Spencer Cassadine
It had been a typical Wednesday. Laura was working at the kitchen table while I focused on the Pittsburgh MasQUe ProjecT from the sofa. I went upstairs to prepare for my tele-health therapy session. Afterwards, I took a nap. Foster kittens Stefano DiMera and Spencer Cassadine were in the bedroom with me. Stefano slept near […]
Five Ways We Practice Self-Care During This Pandemic
Or Day 173 Took Me To The Cleaners. You know it has been a beast of a year with very few bright spots. Our family still chooses to isolate as much as possible to minimize the impact of exposures we can’t avoid, like Laura’s work duties. Something has to give. We won’t go to a […]
Q&A with Sara-Summer Oliphant, Candidate for PA State House District 39
We are revisiting our Political Q&A series for the upcoming elections of 2020. We’ve reached out to candidates who are pro-choice and pro-LGBTQ, asking them a series of questions about their campaigns. We’ve sent out about a dozen Q&A’s to folks and encourage you to suggest others. Candidates can be anywhere in Pennsylvania running for any […]
Day 181 is in the bag
We drove up to Mercer County to visit Ledcat’s mom. She made a Sunday supper that we ate in the driveway on opposite ends of an eight foot table. It was delicious. And very much needed by all of us. I spent an hour repairing her electronics so she could Zoom with grandkids and read […]
Dear David. September 5, 2020
I haven’t written in awhile. As you know, my sweet little dog Ana died suddenly ten days ago. I’m still struggling with this loss. Please forgive my distance. So Wendy Bell got herself silenced on KDKA AM and very likely got herself a national slot somewhere in white supremacy conservative realms. You’ve done important work […]
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