Posts by Sue:
Life on the Ground in Allegheny County, Pennsylvania (Yep, The Home of Pittsburgh)
I live about a mile from the vote tallying garage. The past few days have been rife with tension, heightened by the incessant whir of the helicopters from the local TV stations. I can’t figure out why they need to send helicopters when a van would be sufficient. Maybe they are afraid of violence? The […]
Will It Be A ‘Long Winter’? Day 240
Fans of Little House on the Prairie books should get my reference – one entire book describes how the Ingalls family and neighbors endured from October 1880-May 1881. The book exaggerates a few facts, but is generally considered an accurate representation of the suffering and hardships endured by residents throughout the Great Plains. That book […]
Western PA Among Historic Elections of Openly LGBTQ Candidates
Per the Victory Fund, 173 openly LGBTQ candidates have won their races with 76 still undecided. At least thirty-five of the winners are non-incumbents. Pennsylvania had three electoral victories, reelecting openly gay State Representative Malcolm Kenyatta and Brian Sims. The third victory was the election of Jessica Benham to replace the retired Harry Readshaw. Jessica […]
34 Reasons to Vote on Tuesday
This year, an unprecedented 34 transgender and non-binary neighbors have lost their lives to transphobic violence.As I completed my ballot earlier this month, I whispered their names. When I write a new memorial post, I carefully read the list and say their names exhorting them to wrap their arms around the most recently lost neighbor.Joe […]
Angel Haynes, 25, is Most Recent Black Trans Woman Shot to Death
Angel Haynes was a 25-year-old cosmetologist from Jackson, Tennessee. On Sunday, October 25, she became the latest Black trans woman lost to gun violence. Angel was traveling to Memphis and stopped at a motel along the way. At 2:19 AM, police responded to reports of gunfire and found Angel’s body in her room with at […]
Things to do on Election Day 2020: a list by Matt Merriman-Preston
So you’ve voted early, donated to campaigns, put up your yard signs, and now what? How can you help on Election Day? I know that I want to do everything I can, but what does that look like for me? We turned to political consultant and frequent contributor and strong LGBTQIA ally, Matt Merriman-Preston, for some […]
UPDATED: Log Cabin Republicans Bringing Tiffany Trump, Richard Grennell to a Pittsburgh “Pride” Event in Cranberry Township
I mean … what? Take a look at what happened when they rolled this dynamic duo out in Florida. “I know what my father believes in,” she said during the event. “Prior to politics, he supported gays, lesbians, the LGBQIA+ community.” (She misstated the initialism — removing the “T” that stands for the transgender community.) […]
Honoring the Dead
My friend John Ruffing died on November 9, 2007 at the age of 41. He is someone I loved very deeply and think about often. It was suggested I create a blog altar for my ancestors. John and I are not blood related that I know of, but like many queer people – we created […]
Haunted Theater in Pittsburgh
For those of us continuing to social distance, finding things to do to celebrate holidays like Halloween can be a challenge. Laura and I donated candy to Proud Haven to offset the sadness of not giving out tricks or treats. We’ve harvested pumpkins, had apple cider and pumpkin cookies, we drove to see the leaves. […]
My First Letter to the Editor, Published by Vanity Fair in 1995
I used to read Vanity Fair pretty regularly in the 1990’s. I’m unsure how that got started, but I liked the pageantry and almost otherworldly insight into the world of the rich and powerful. So much did I appreciate the magazine that I was compelled to submit a letter to the editor, my very first […]
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