Posts by Sue:
Day 19
My intent was to maintain a regular chronicle. The realities of quarantine life blew that idea out of the water. I’m going to do my best. Laura and I are both healthy and safe. She has had to go into work a few times, but mostly works from home. I’ve not had to go anywhere […]
Candidate for PA State House Jessica Benham Describes Digital Campaigning During a Pandemic
I asked a few campaigns to weigh in on the new tactics and strategies they will be relying on to move ahead with critical elections. What is still possible? What is newly possible? How can we help from our homes? You can read our candidate Q&A’s here. Also, check out our Q&A’s about the Pennsylvania […]
Lessons Learned from PBS American Experience Episode ‘Influenza 1918’
Earlier this week, we watched the PBS American Experience episode ‘Influenza 1918’ that originally aired in 2018. You can find it streaming on PBS affiliate stations through April and then via the Passport option. Influenza 1918 is the story of the worst epidemic the United States has ever known. The flu would kill more than […]
Enter to win an exclusive “Broke Boy” phone wallet celebrating the release of Malia Civetz’s debut single “Broke Boy”
Enter now for your chance to win a “Broke Boy” phone wallet celebrating the release of “Broke Boy,” the debut single from rising songstress and vocal powerhouse, Malia Civetz! Out NOW on Warner Records: Rulez: You can enter as often as you like, but only win once every 30 days. Leave a […]
Q&A with a 30-year Employee of a Grocery Store
I feel like my company is doing the best they can and listening to our concerns and adjusting to help us. I feel customers are not. Many of us who have worked retail and/or grocery retail in the past have some appreciation for what our neighbors in those jobs are experiencing, or perhaps more accurately, […]
New #ThingsToDo: a List from Ava, Age 14
Total Lists Submitted: 8 Total Amount Raised for Food Pantry: $80.00 (out of $1,000 possible) This is our new project #ThingsToDo where we invite youth to create and share a list of things to occupy time and cope with boredom. You’ll fine the details at this link. Your young people are welcome to participate. Here’s the cool thing – in […]
Q&A with Kris Rust About the PA Primary, Critical Elections, and Mail-In Ballots
This is a very confusing time. We spend hours trying to find toilet paper and disinfectant, worrying about access to critical medications that are being redirected to maybe cure COVID-19, and having our evening news interrupted by a ridiculous puppet President who lies and misleads us every single fucking day. One point of confusion is […]
84 Trans Stories from Western Pennsylvania on the Trans Day of Visibility
March 31 is the International Transgender Day of Visibility, devoted to raising the visibility of transgender and gender nonconforming (GNC) neighbors both in terms of their resiliency and successes as well as the realities of transphobic bias and violence. I’ve curated 84 stories from our #AMPLIFY project to illustrate the multi-faceted experiences of transgender neighbors […]
Lexi, 33, was a Black Trans Woman Murdered in Harlem
I don’t have many details about the life of Lexi “Ebony” Sutton. She was 33. She has friends who mourn her. I’m not sure if Ebony was a nickname, a house affiliation, etc. There are far too many details about the horrific murder that took her life in Harlem in the early hours of Saturday […]
How to Keep House During a Pandemic: Sanity v Sanitization
When this began, we had on hand the following: two bottles of bleach, six bottles of white vinegar, four bottles of Murphys Oil Soap, rags, spray bottles, and half a refill bottle of hand soap. We also had about eight rolls of paper towels, a package of napkins, and lots of rags. After week one, […]
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