Posts by Sue:
Fairy Godfairy Brings Princess Party to Pittsburgh for the Holidays
I’m definitely not a princess person although I do appreciate a good critical reflection upon the pop culture phenom as well as a dive into the actual dark origins of fairy tales. When I learned about this event, I wrote it off as another princess merchandising opportunity. I was wrong. And I encourage you to […]
Keanna Mattel, 35, is 24th Trans Neighbor Murdered in the US during 2018
I learned terrible news tonight from Detroit where a 35 year old Black trans woman was murdered Friday morning, the 24th transgender victim of fatal violence in the US this year. Her name was Keanna Mattel. Note that Keanna’s surname has been spelled with one ‘l’ and with two. We are using the spelling on […]
Protected: Update on 2018 Holiday Giving Projects – Please Remember Your LGBTQ Neighbors
There is no excerpt because this is a protected post.
Video: Hannah Gadsby ‘Rejecting the humanity of a woman is not creepiness. It is misogyny.’
Rejecting the humanity of a woman is not creepiness. It is misogyny. From the Guardian’s reporting on the Women in Entertainment gala, presented by the Hollywood Reporter on Thursday. Hannah Gadsby had some things to say in her opening speech … you can read the complete transcript at Vulture. “I’m sick of turning my television […]
It is only December 6th and I’m already worn out #HolidayWishes
It is only December 6th and I’m already worn out. I curated a Giving Guide, a Queer Shopping Guide, a LGBTQ Holiday Things To Do Guide, and took on advocating for four holiday projects. I’ve created ten+ Q&As with artists, publishing five to date. I’ve set up multiple product reviews, took on sponsorships of two local […]
Suzanne, 39, never felt that honoring her orientation was even an option #AMPLIFY
Name: Suzanne Age: 39 County of Residence: Allegheny, but grew up in Armstrong County. Northern Armstrong County bordering Clarion and Butler counties, different parts of Allegheny County, and Mexico City Pronouns: she/her/hers How do you describe your identity? female bi-ish lesbian Please describe your coming out experience. Where did you find support? What challenges did you face? I consider that I […]
Ten Years Later: Attending the First LGBTQ Bloggers & Citizen Journalists National Summit in 2008
While I began blogging in December 2005, I believe that a significant milestone in our growth was the weekend Ledcat and I traveled to Washington D.C. for the first LGBTQ Bloggers and Citizens Journalists National Summit. It was December 5-7, 2008. I met a lot of folx there and my mind was awhirl with new […]
Q&A: For Joe Wos, mazes are the oldest form of interactive gaming, discusses new book of American state themed mazes
Name: Joe Wos Pronouns: He, Him, and Hey You! How do you describe your identity? Of all the things that define my identity, in many ways gender is low on the list for me personally. My identity is most defined by what I do. I am a cartoonist, maze artist and storyteller. Even when people describe […]
The New Norm for Bloggers?
So this is almost the new norm for queer bloggers (and perhaps others as well?) I share original content on social media sites. Someone takes the time to set up a fake Reddit account and send me the attached message privately “Kill yourself you fucking disgusting flaming faggot” This is tied to an #AMPLIFY post. Just daring […]
Find Joy Together Saturday Night with Renaissance City Choir
Find holiday joy with Renaissance City Choir this Saturday! Get tickets now at We find joy in being together as a loving community. This concert will feature Gloria by John Rutter, a piece composed for brass, percussion, organ, and choir. RCC will be joined by members of the Edgewood Symphony Orchestra to share this piece with our audience community. […]
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