Sue is the founder of Pittsburgh Lesbian Correspondents blog, established in 2005.. She has an MSW from the University in Pittsburgh and a BA in Political Science from Marymount University. Her undergraduate claim to fame is a six month stint as an intern with then Congressman Rick Santorum in 1991. Born and raised in West Mifflin, Sue attended college in Washington DC, then graduate school in Louisiana and ended up in Kentucky doing social service ministry. She returned to Pittsburgh in 1997. She now lives on Pittsburgh’s Northside with her wife, Laura. She was among the first out LGBTQ people named to Pittsburgh’s 40 Under 40 in 2004 and is a graduate of Leadership Development Initiative Class VII. After being fully and permanently disabled in 2010, Sue has continued to serve the community. She founded the Pittsburgh Tote Bag Project to address hunger and environmental issues. In 2015, she launched the #AMPLIFY LGBTQ archive in conjunction with a two-year artist in residence stint with Most Wanted Fine Art. Sue and her wife have fostered over 25 kittens through Pittsburgh CAT and Homeless Cat Management Team, and now manage multiple community cat colonies in their neighborhood. In 2020, Sue cofounded the Pittsburgh MasQUe ProjecT to support the queer and trans community during the pandemic, distributing tens of thousands of face masks and other supplies throughout the region. In 2021, Sue created the #PghCatFolx projects to support neighbors working with community cats. Under that heading came the Dr. John P. Ruffing DVM Pet Food Projects, memorializing one of her very best friends who died in 2007. In 2021, Sue worked with community leaders to develop and establish a 501c3 nonprofit organization, Pittsburgh LGBTQ Charities (PLC) where she currently serves as Board President. PLC absorbed the #PghCatFolx projects. Also in 2021, Sue was the first person in history appointed to the City of Pittsburgh LGBTQIA+ Commission and was unanimously elected as one of three inaugural co-chairs. Her blogging has garnered numerous awards Favorite GLBT Media Publication - 2012, 2014, 2015, 2016 (Keystone Alliance Gaylife Newsletter Reader’s Poll) Favorite GLBT Social Media - 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016 (Keystone Alliance Gaylife Newsletter Reader’s Poll) Best Local Blogger - 2016, 2019 (Pittsburgh City Paper Reader’s Poll) LGBTQIA Pittsburgh’s Best Blogger - 2020 (SisTersPgh, People’s Pride of Pittsburgh) Outstanding Blog - 2019, 2022 (GLAAD Media Awards) Sue has also personally been honored Person of the Year - The Advocate Magazine, 2022 15 Lesbian Icons - LGBTQ Nation, 2023 LGBTQIA Pittsburgh’s Best Lesbian Activist - SisTersPgh, People’s Pride of Pittsburgh 2022 Sue believes in identifying and filling gaps in supports & services rather than recreating the wheel. She uses both her undergraduate and graduate degrees on a regular basis as a blogger and activist and regularly circulates her 1991 internship photo just to shake things up on her social media feeds. Her own experiences with cPTSD, bipolar disorder, anxiety, and other health challenges have fueled her health blogging and activism. She also writes extensively about her family history, drawing on her amateur genealogy hobby. The blog regularly reviews arts and cultural events as well as exploring restaurants, soap opera storylines, and hyper-local news. Sue and her wife Laura have been together since 2003. They were married on a very cold February 2, 2021 in their backyard at a very small ceremony co-officiated by their pagan priestess friend, Anne, and then-Mayor Bill Peduto. They have six niblings, four in Pittsburgh and two in Philadelphia.

My Latest #Hysterecovery Update

lesbian hysterectomy

I haven’t posted an update on this recently, so let me remedy that today. I had my surgery on January 10 so I recently passed the four month mark. In terms of the actual hysterectomy, I’m doing pretty good. No significant physical problems with the exception of having to pee a lot more often and […]

Q&A with Stephin Merritt of the Magnetic Fields

When I read that the Magnetic Fields were coming to Pittsburgh for a two-show performance of their latest album ‘50 Song Memoir‘ – I threw caution to the wind and requested an interview with Stephin Merritt. He can obviously have his pick of all the mainstream media in the region; I was hoping that his […]

Mahogany LaPiranHa, 38, is a 6‘4“ androgynous African-American badass #AMPLIFY

Mahogany LaPirhana

  Name: Mahogany LaPiranHa Age: 38 County of Residence: Allegheny Pronouns: All of them How do you describe your identity? ShapeShifter, I am transgendered and I am in the process of going through a male to female transgender transition! However I do not intend on getting bottom surgery! So to some that may look at the situation ; they may […]

Karla Patricia Pavon-Flores is the 9th Trans Person Killed in 2018 UPDATED

On Wednesday May 9, police discovered Karla Patricia Flores-Pavon had been choked to death. in her North Dallas apartment. Karla’s name has been alternately spelled Carla by police reports documenting her death. Karla was 26 years old, just beginning her life. Blogger Monica Roberts shared this: Karla is the 9th person we have lost to […]

Rain, 42, is a Gay Woman in Pittsburgh #AMPLIFY

Name: Rain Age: 42 County of Residence: Allegheny, previously Washington County. Pronouns: she/her How do you describe your identity?  i am gay Please describe your coming out experience. Where did you find support? What challenges did you face? my mother has not spoken to me for almost 20 years as a result, though she has known since i was 13. my […]

Q&A: ‘Nomad Motel’ Playwright Carla Ching on Creating Responsible, Thoughtful, and Human Art

Carla Ching

A new play is debuting at the City Theatre this month, Nomad Motel written by Carla Ching.  This show also marks the debut of a ‘pay what you want’ option at City Theatre during select performances. Details at the end of this post. May 12 – June 3, 2018 In the not-so-sunny side of California, Alix […]

He’s a cisgender polyamorous bisexual guy, but nobody asks #AMPLIFY

Allegheny County LGBTQ

Name:  Just another lawyer Age:  38 County of Residence:  Allegheny Pronouns: He/His How do you describe your identity? I generally don’t. It’s the advantage to presenting the way I do: I don’t have to describe anything. Please describe your coming out experience. Where did you find support? What challenges did you face?  To a large degree, I never have. See […]

Is Liberty University Online Targeting Pittsburgh Community Leaders?

Liberty University Online LGBT

Something of concern that I’ve noticed over the past years – an increasing number of regional community leaders have ties to Liberty University via the online school – folks pursuing higher degrees. This article from the New York Times and ProPublica lays out the reasons why that might be the case ($$) and it is concerning. […]

Lakeview School District in Mercer County Implements Trans Inclusive Student Policies

Lakeview School District in Mercer County serves about 1200 students in a district with a population of 8,600 people.  Mercer County is in Northwestern Pennsylvania, about 60 miles to Erie and another 60 miles to Pittsburgh. The district is comprised of Fairview Township, Jackson Center Borough, Jackson Township, Lake Township, Mill Creek Township, New Lebanon […]

Should (or could) this blog be more lesbian?

Earlier today, someone left a comment on an AMPLIFY post. I typically don’t allow comments on those posts because of the archival nature of the project. This comment was actually unrelated to the project so I decided it would be more appropriate to move to another place on the blog – this post. Ann Brooks […]