Posts by Sue:
Amia Tyrae Berryman is 7th Trans Person Killed in 2018 #SayHerName
Tragic news from Monica Roberts at Transgriot. 28-year-old Amia Tyrae Berryman is the 7th trans person to be murdered in 2018. She died at 1:15 AM this morning, March 26 in Baton Rouge, Louisiana. According to her Facebook page, Amia was a native of New Orleans who had finished high school in Baton Rouge […]
Ten Years Ago Today, We Lost Our Beautiful Dog Mona
Ledcat thinks it is a bit macabre, but I put the ‘dativersary’ of my pets’ deaths into Google calendar so I don’t forget them. I don’t know most of their birth dates and only a few adoption dates which I also record. Today is the ten year anniversary of the death of our sweet dog, […]
Fish Fry Friday: Our Lady of Grace
Welcome to Fish Fry Fridays, 2018 Edition! Click here to learn more about this project. Name: Our Lady of Grace (Scott Township) Date: March 23, 2018 Time We Ate: 7:06 PM Random review of #fishburgh adventures during Lent. Find a fish fry on this map! You can also follow them on Facebook and find tons of reviews and suggestions. And vote in The […]
Q&A with a March for Our Lives Pittsburgh Student Organizer #MarchForOurLivesPGH
Pittsburgh is one of more than 800 cities hosting sister marches with the National March for Our Lives in Washington, D.C. on Saturday, March 24. Pittsburgh’s march will kick-off at 11:30 AM at the City County Building on Grant Street. The march route will take you down Grant Street to Fifth, then Fifth to Liberty […]
IUP Assigns ‘First Amendment’ Hawk to Female Led Religious Studies Class
A recent academic situation at Indiana University of Pennsylvania (IUP) in Western PA is raising my concerns about academic capitulation to right-wing proponents who deliberately conflate free speech with bullying behavior. Here’s what happened. On February 28, Lake Ingle, 23, a senior religious studies major from Tyrone, Blair County, attended the class “Self, Sin and Salvation.” The […]
Local LGBTQ Links We Are Reading – March 18, 2018
We’ve compiled some links from around the region on LGBTQ themes. It is important to read the information and to pay attention to what your local media is sharing around LGBTQ topics. Best of all, consider submitting your own letter to the editor to your local outlet. For Some Transgender People In Pittsburgh, Accessing Health Care […]
Fish Fry Friday: Riverview Presbyterian Church (Perry North) – Part Two
Welcome to Fish Fry Fridays, 2018 Edition! Click here to learn more about this project. Name: Riverview Presbyterian Church (Perry North) Date: March 16, 2018 Time We Ate: 6:00 PM Random review of #fishburgh adventures during Lent. Find a fish fry on this map! You can also follow them on Facebook and find tons of reviews and suggestions. And vote in The Incline’s […]
Would you organize a fundraiser for #AMPLIFY?
As we prepare to resume publication of #AMPLIFY Q&A’s contributed by LGBTQ neighbors, someone asked me about fundraising. We would love to work with your organization or group to raise funds for the project. Your efforts will go toward growing the archive, processing the voluminous data already collected, and ensuring efforts to include ever more […]
Fish Fry Friday: Return to Assumption & Finding My Fish Fry Fame on March 9, 2018
A very late post on my part – my apologies! It’s been a stressful week for me, so going to any fish fry felt overwhelming. Ledcat gently suggested we revisit Assumption to get a good meal in a familiar space. Now I don’t really need to re-review the location or food. I’ll just make note […]
An Essay About St. Patrick’s Day and My Not-So Irish-American Cultural Heritage
Growing up in a working class Pittsburgh suburb, I knew two things to be true about my family – we were Roman Catholic and we were Irish (with a little German.) We were Irish Catholics and celebrated St. Patrick’s Day robustly. St. Patrick’s Day is also my younger brother’s birthday. Robustly meant lots of green […]
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