Posts by Sue:
CBS “Mike & Molly” Uses Trans Slur on Most Recent Episode
The good news is that CBS is meeting with GLAAD to discuss the latest in their ongoing #fail when it comes to depicting LGBTQ characters on their network shows. The bad news is that its February 2013 and they are still working on this. That latest offense was a trans slur used during Monday’s Valentine’s […]
LGBTQ Women’s Group at Pittsburgh’s Gay & Lesbian Community Center
Monday evening, Ledcat and I went to the new discussion group for women at the GLCC – it was the second gathering. It seems off to a good start and I personally found it to be a positive experience. Just as a quick overview in case you are considering attending – meets every other Mon […]
France National Assembly Paves Way for Marriage Equality, Adoption Equality
From the Washington Post: After months of philosophical debate and massive street demonstrations for and against, the French National Assembly on Tuesday authorized same-sex marriage and adoption by gay couples, despite France’s long history as a homeland for Roman Catholic tradition. The legislation, passed 329 to 229 with 10 abstentions, was France’s most far-reaching social […]
Let’s Get Jen Tyrrell on the Ellen DeGeneres Show
My friend and blog team member Jen Tyrrell would be a perfect guest on the Ellen DeGeneres show. Jen is a trailblazing pioneer in the Boy Scouts of America. Jen is a mom (like Betty DeGeneres) who wants a better world for her kids. Jen and her family have a “thing” called kitchen dancing. Seriously. So […]
Pentagons Extends Some Domestic Partner Benefits to Same Sex Families
Here’s some good news. Army Veteran and OutServe-SLDN Executive Director Allyson Robinson today praised outgoing Secretary of Defense Leon Panetta for his decision to extend to nearly the full extent permitted under current law the benefits available to gay and lesbian service members and their families. Though Panetta’s announcement did not include a number of important […]
I Still Want Melissa McCarthy to Play ME in a Movie
In January, I was profiled on a website called 12 questions where I – you guessed it – answered 12 questions about my exciting self. It took me a long, long time to answer the question about what piece of art moved me and edit my bio. A long time. What took me less than […]
Rallies for Public Education, Transit This Week in Pittsburgh
Sunday afternoon marks the “Rally for Public Education 2013” at the Kelly Strayhorn Theater in East Liberty. The organizers plan to review the public education elements in the Corbett Budget and discuss the ongoing battle to preserve quality public education resources for all children. Featuring: • performances by Anne Feeney, Vanessa German, the Squirrel Hillbillies, and […]
GLCC Hosts LGBTQ Women’s Group
The Gay & Lesbian Community Center of Pittsburgh has scheduled a second in their WOMENSpeak series for Monday February 11, 2013. Join us on Feb 11th from 6:30-8pm and get ready to speak your mind. All women are invited, which means if you identify yourself as a woman…COME!! Light refreshments will be served. I appreciate […]
PghLesbian Blog, Staff Semi-Finalists in for 7 Readers Choice Awards
I enjoy contributing to the Keystone Alliance/GayLife Newsletter – they have a really interesting vibe that is so in touch with the LGBTQ community – its hard to describe. So it is always an honor to be included in the nominations for their annual Readers Choice awards. This year, we received a record 7 total […]
Book Review: Touch & Go
Lisa Gardner’s Touch & Go is somewhat engaging, puzzling and essentially a good fit for a weekend read or a plane trip. The very wealthy Denbe famly – Justin, wife Libby and 15 year old daughter Ashlyn – are kidnapped. The FBI, local law enforcement and private investigator Tessa Leoni race against time to find […]
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