Posts by Sue:
NaBloPoMo: The Time Of My Day
Friday, January 4, 2013 At what time of day do you feel the most energetic and productive? Wow, this varies. My natural rhythm is to be productive late at night, but the sleep regimin requires that I decompress earlier in the evening. Still, I occasionally wake up at 2 AM with an AWESOME idea and […]
George Takei and Ledcat Co-Star in Environmental Video!
Ledcat makes two appearances in this video promoting reusable bags. Can you find them both? Bonus points if you can identify the event where I “caught” George Takei with a Batman tote bag.
The Lesbian Blog That Shut Down the City of Pittsburgh
Reports have surfaced that the City of Pittsburgh was forced to block this website as a desperate measure to keep the City functioning. “We had no choice,” sighs City Computer Guy,Ken. “We have a computer usage policy – somewhere ’round here – hey yinz seen that folded up tablet paper with the doodle of Sophie […]
NaBloPoMo: Recharable Batteries
Thursday, January 3, 2013 What is your favourite way to recharge when you feel drained of energy? Hello. I’m 3 for 3! I refrained from peeking at today’s “prompt” so I could do a little stream of consious writing. My favorite way to recharge is to sleep. I love sleeping. It is one of the […]
NaBlogPoMo: Energy Consumption
So today’s “prompt” Wednesday, January 2, 2013 Which daily tasks take up the most of your energy? This is an interesting question. My instant reaction was to list the tasks that I dislike, but procrastination is the real energy suck in those cases – when I just go ahead and do them, tis fine. On […]
NaBloMoPo: Energy from Coffee and Synapses
I’m giving NaBloMoPo a try. What the what? Its a month long blogging exercise – National Blog Posting Month. People usually do this in January around thanks. I’m inspired to give this a try. ENERGY Today’s prompt: “From where do you draw your energy?” Some of my natural energy comes from synapses crackling a little […]
Post-Concussive Whatever
Let me assure you, this is not a joke. Here has been my final quarter – Oct/Nov: unnown wrist tendon ailment that requires an as of yet to be scheduled electrical impule nerve test delayed by other injuries and snow. The main day to day impact is that I wear an awkward splint that throws […]
We used a gift card to dine at what’s billed as an “upscale Italian restaurant” – setting aside that’s its just “meh” – there’s this by the front door: I didn’t really enjoy this restaurant (never have) but this was the straw that broke this camel’s back. I’m paying upwards of $4 to get a […]
Hillary Has Me Thinking …
I have not been a good patient. I’ve been sleeping like an infant, but having too much screen time. Cranky, irritable, still making very odd statements and inappropriate comments (not in a good way) and not myself. At all. I am struggling to figure out the simplest task on my iPod. I can’t even change […]
Welcome To Our New Blogger – Jennifer Tyrrell
We are pleased to welcome our new guest blogger to Pittsburgh Lesbian Correspondents – Jennifer Tyrrell. As you may recall, Jennifer is an Ohio based lesbian who skyrocketed to national attention when she challenged the Boy Scouts of America about their homophobia. Like many parents, Jennifer had volunteered as a den leader and had received a […]
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