Posts by Sue:
Local Opinions on All Things LGBTQ in the Tribune Review
It has been awhile since we posted opinions from local “Letters to the Editor” sections … The Tribune-Review has been hopping with a back and forth discussion about marriage equality. First, Rudy published some sort of anti-gay screed which I can’t find online. But then Jim Harger of New Kensington responds by pointing out that […]
NaBloPoMo: Creative Conservation
Wednesday, January 23, 2013 What is the most creative way you conserve energy in your home? The uncreative parts of conservation involve changing our habits and following “best practices: Set the thermostat and do not “adjust” except in cases of true sickness. Because I work from home, we have two settings: 68 during the day/evening […]
NaBloPoBo: Energy!
What is your biggest concern about the future of the environment? My biggest concern is the fact that people ignore science. They don’t like the facts so they simply ignore them. This is a common human response to things we don’t want to hear or deal with – denial. But it is very powerful. Realistically, […]
Blog for Choice: What Other Women Taught Me
Today, January 22, is the 40th anniversary of the historic Roe v. Wade decision which determined that women have a legal right to an abortion. Blog for Choice asked participants to share our stories. I identified as “pro-life” during college and my early graduate school years. I marched for life, wrote letters, and prayed – so very […]
He Said Seneca Falls to Selma to Stonewall …
Yes, he did … We, the people, declare today that the most evident of truths – that all of us are created equal – is the star that guides us still; just as it guided our forebears through Seneca Falls, and Selma, and Stonewall; just as it guided all those men and women, sung and […]
I’ve Witnessed A Lot of History From This Sofa
Friday marked my 9.5 year anniversary with Ledcat, 7.5 of which we have lived together. As I type, we are watching the Inauguration from our warm living room surrounded by pet beds, Christmas lights to be untangled and … tote bags (of course.) It is fun reading the tweets and Facebook status updates from folks […]
Sunday Energy NaBloPoMo
So, What Exactly Is NaBloPoMo Anyway?
That’s an excellent question. This is a nice summary. It is a real thing – a challenge to post fresh content each day for an entire month. No scheduling software, no backposting. It is held in November and started 13 years ago. NaBloPoMo has evolved (???) into a sort of free-for-all writing exercise. I’m participating […]
NaBloPoMo: My Superhero Smoosh Name
Friday, January 18, 2013 What would be your superhero name and why? Today is the “half-year” anniversary for Ledcat and me … 9 and 1/2 years together. We have an ongoing “discussion” about what constitutes our anniversary since we aren’t able to legally marry. But she humors me. So, one time I asked my Facebook […]
PATF Infographic
This a well done infographic.
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