Posts by Sue:
Minnesota Teen Denied Confirmation; Family Denied Communion Over Marriage Equality
Lennon Cihak is 17 and lives in Minnesota. A life long Catholic, he has been preparing for his Confirmation – a sacramental rite of passage in the Church. Lennon does not identify as gay, but he did post a photo on Facebook indicating that he supports marriage equality – or at least opposed the since-then-defeated […]
Quite a few of my blogging friends are participating in National Blog Posting Month – NaBloPoMowhile others are focusing on gratitude on a regular basis in honor of Thanksgiving. It has made for some reflective moments this week to simply read about gratitude. I tend to stop and consider how this issue or that experience […]
How Do We Measure Christmas? The AFA Reduces the Reason for the Season to a Sign
I find it amusing when the American Family Association gets into a pantry twist about saying “Happy Holidays” instead of “Merry Christmas” … and so its a predictable giggle when they release their “Naughty and Nice” list of retailers each year. Criteria – AFA reviewed up to four areas to determine if a company was […]
Welcome to Our New Blogger, Trish Mifflin
We want to offer a heartfelt welcome to the newest member of the blogging team, Trish Mifflin. Trish is not a lesbian. In her own words, she is transgendered male-bodied crossdresser who identifies as female, but is not pursuing full-time transition, either socially or medically. So that’s out of the way. Well, it is actually part of the […]
Four (Apparent) Wins on Marriage Equality
Let me preface by sharing that Washington votes by mail so that referendum decision won’t be finalized for a few days. But last night was breathtaking in that fact that marriage equality had three solid wins. In Maryland, voters approved a referendum on the marriage equality law passed by the State Legislature 52-48%. Maine approved […]
LGBT Voting Info from Equality PA
For more info: Today we sit one day out from the most important election ever for LGBT civil rights. What happens tomorrow on Election Day will impact your life directly, so please take the time to know the candidates, understand the issues and most of all to VOTE. Some things to know – Polls in Pennsylvania are […]
Get a Grip – Life With Mobility Constraints
Ah, hands. We take them for granted until we get a papercut on a index finger or some other seemingly minor ailment that causes a lot of problems. Mine is tendonitis complicated by some fancy sounding term to describe a “birth defect” (my third!) in which my carpal somethings are fused together. I think three […]
Wanda and Gyration
Our Session at Podcamp Pittsburgh – Fairness and Accuracy in Language
So … many months ago PG columnist Tony Norman used the term “sexual preference” in an otherwise positive column. When I called him on it, he explained that it was simply a matter of language evolving and that sexual orientation was the newest terminology. After some back and forth, he agreed to take a gander […]
Guest Post: Stop Our Bullies, Save Our Valleys
Editor’s Note: This week, I’ll be sharing guest blog posts from folks who identify as allies and what that means to them. Jason Togyer shared a personal commentary at the Tube City Almanac. Jason grew up near McKeesport; I grew up near McKeesport, too. His perspective resonates with me both as a reflection on my […]
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