Posts by Sue:
PA Charter School Does Not Bow to Rightwing Anti-Gay Forces
For 11 years, the Southern Poverty Law Center has organized “Mix It Up Lunch” day to promote kids meeting and spending time with a child they did not know, a child who isn’t in their clique perhaps. Big shocker that the American Family Association is taking an opportunity to smack the SPLC – which recently […]
Another Soap Star Comes Out
According to, former Guiding Light star Maureen Garrett – “HollyLinsey” – came out. After carefully cocooning her personal life from the media during her 35 years playing Guiding Light’s Holly Lindsey, actress Maureen Garrett has chosen National Coming Out Day to reveal publicly to Out magazinethat she is a lesbian and has been involved in a 20-year-long relationship with […]
Remaining Relevant
Earlier in the week, I was asked by a member of the local media to comment on how LGBT issues are playing out in this election. I gave it quite a bit of thought, but in the end I opted not to contribute. Why? Well, I could have pulled something out of the air about […]
Biden v Ryan – The Dems Come Roaring Back
At least in my opinion, Biden slaughtered Ryan. Ryan is smart, a good talker and knows the data. He just doesn’t have a plan to defend – only talking points. Even he looked embarrassed and frustrated. The only time he seemed at ease was answering the question most pertinent to the LGBT community – the […]
LGBT Film Festival Debuts New Name; New Lineup
The Pittsburgh LGBT Film Society has changed their brand to “Reel Q” and has an exciting lineup for 2012. The festival runs Oct 12 – 21 at the Harris Theater. And what a great change – I love the focus on Q (and the pun.) FRIDAY 7:30 p.m.: “Cloudburst” — See review. SATURDAY 1 p.m.: “United in Anger: […]
Sharing Our Communities With Our Homeless Neighbors
Where and how we provide basic support to our homeless neighbor is a NIMBY battle dating back to the day of separate entrances and so forth. And the recent failure on the part of City residents to embrace their most vulnerable neighbors reflects the fact that the private safety net is a total illusion and […]
An Experiment in Q’s
Q of course being the shorthand for coupons. But it works either way. So this fall, we ramped up our couponing experiences. We sat down and discussed a budget of what we needed to save to make it worthwhile. You might think any money saved is worthwhile, but there are some newbie mistakes I’ve seen […]
When Being an Ally Makes a Difference …
I was recently “targeted” on LinkedIn for a little gay bashing. The details I’ll save for another post, but it boiled down to someone telling me that the word lesbian was not appropriate in a profession environment. It went downhill from there. This is not the first time I’ve encountered this mentality. I’ve been asked […]
Prescient Lesbians and Post-Gazette Editorial Cartoonists Save the NFL Referees?
I kept asking my liberal football loving friends why they were watching football when a union was on strike. <cue crickets> So then I wrote this … And voila! You are welcome.
Suggestions on “Rainbow Family” Books to Donate
Dana from Mombian contacted me with a great list of LGBTQ books for children up to grade 5. These might be books you choose to donate to the Manchester Elementary School library. You can also donate the resource itself to the library or $50.00! Fast forward to today and Dr. Naidoo, now an […]
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