Posts by Sue:
Sarah Silverman on Voter ID
Stack the Shelves: Call to Action To Support Local School Libraries During Banned Books Week
Earlier in the week, we reported on a startling situation in Pittsburgh’s Northside – Manchester Elementary School had fewer than 40 books in their library and most were in poor condition. More from the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette: The librarian predicts that the 250-student school’s decaying fiction section has now grown from less than 100 usable books […]
Elementary School Library in Pittsburgh’s is Unstacked
The story broke on Facebook this week … Manchester Elementary School in Pittsburgh’s Northside has less than 40 decent fiction books for the entire school. The response has been swift. Yinzercation has written about it. Within 24 hours, over 600 people had seen that original post and over 118 people had shared it on their […]
Mitt Romney – We Are The 47% …
Mitt Romney may have nailed the coffin shut on his Presidential run with the release of this horrifying commentary about Americans. More details here. “There are 47 percent of the people who will vote for the president no matter what. All right, there are 47 percent who are with him, who are dependent […]
Donate School Supplies to Support Pittsburgh’s LGBTQ Youth and Families
Most schools are back in session now, but not every student has the supplies they need to succeed. In some cases, their families can’t purchase the items – in other cases, the students are on their own for the most part, particularly LGBTQ youth with little family support. Reports indicate that up to 40% of […]
Giveaway: Win Pair of Passes to Pgh Premiere of “Married in Spandex”
(excuse the alliteration in the headline – what can i say?) It is always fun when there’s an LGBTQ movie outside of the Film Festival schedule so be sure to clear your calendar for Friday, September 7 when “Married in Spandex” is showing at the Hollywood Theater in Dormont. AND the filmmakers are Pittsburgh natives. […]
Farmer’s Market Love
Our friend Leah at The Brazen Kitchen is giving away passes to support Farmer’s Market: But let’s have the sweet trump the bitter and celebrate the coming of September by paying tribute to the farmers who work so hard to give us the fresh, delicious, sustainable food that we all enjoy so much. I never appreciated summer […]
LGBTQ Elders to Gather in Pittsburgh
NEXUS, a catalyst for GLBT elders in the Pittsburgh area, is kicking off the last week of September. Nexus will be the gathering place for Elders (50+) in the GLBT community to come together and meet to network and create community. There will be coffee and light refreshments available. Nexus is sponsored by the […]
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