Posts by Sue:
The Proliferance of the Non-Apology
Drarun Ravi has elected to begin his 30 day sentence and issued an apology. “I accept responsibility for and regret my thoughtless, insensitive, immature, stupid and childish choices that I made on Sept. 19, 2010, and Sept. 21, 2010. My behavior and actions, which at no time were motivated by hate, bigotry, prejudice or desire […]
New Email List for Western PA LGBTQA Social Media Advocates
Are you using Facebook or Tumblr to promote equality in Pennsylvania? We’d love for you to join a new resource designed to connect you with others doing similar things — a Google group. Our goal is to have an ongoing dialogue about issues, political races and other topics relevant to achieving equality for the LGBTQ […]
Right Wing Talking Points on ENDA – Linking “Right to Work” With Attacks on Unions
Esteemed law professor from the University of Pennsylvania Tobias Barrington Wolff was recently a guest on WHYY (NPR.) Clarke Cooper of the Log Cabin Republicans was the other guest. Tobias had this to say: When we discussed ENDA, Clarke sought to link the issue of workplace discrimination protections to the anti-union laws that Republicans are […]
Memorial Day Makes Me Angry
Growing up in West Mifflin, I had no real idea what Memorial Day was about. We typically had a cookout and there was a parade near our house. It was next to a cemetery dated back to pre-Revolutionary War times so I had a sense of history, but not necessarily any connection to veterans in […]
Penguins’ Brooks Orpik Sends Pro-LGBT Message To NHL Fans
Wow. I completely missed this. You may be familiar with the You Can Play initiative by the NHL to promote LGBT tolerance in athletics. It has been speerheaded by the Burke family and the Flyers. Recently, the Penguins’ Brooks Orpik contributed a video. Orpik told the Post-Gazette: “When they asked me to do it, there […]
State Rep Pushes to Modify Tax Code, Eliminate Discriminatory Inheritance Tax
State Representative Babette Josephs wants to eliminate a 15% inheritance tax for domestic partners, LGBTQ and straight, and is urging her colleagues to take action on legislation she introduced in 2011. Erie Gay News has the story. Josephs’ legislation (H.B. 1828) would define a domestic partnership as a relationship not defined by marriage or a […]
Western PA Bloggers Team Up To Promote LGBT Equality
My colleague Tom Waters drafted this explanation of a joint initiative we are launching … Two prominent western PA bloggers are joining forces to host a first ever LGBTQA bloggers and social media summit. Sue Kerr, primary blogger at Pittsburgh Lesbian Correspondents and Thomas C Waters of are planning a get together that they hope will be informative, interesting […]
Why is OFA PA Making It So Hard
OMG. Of course, we want to support the first sitting President to endorse marriage equality. I even made a campaign donation to put my money where my mouth was on that one. But the Obama for America Team PA folks are not making it easy. There’s no clear line of communication. Last week, I was […]
Love For Our Fathers
Last night, I took Ledcat to see Glen Campbell perform at the Byham. It was pure nostalgia – we both remember Campbell’s “easy listening” during our childhood and we knew this was his farewell tour. Campbell is in the early stages of dementia. It was possibly one of the loveliest experience of my life. Three […]
NAACP Board of Directors Votes to Support Marriage Equality
Today, the Board of the NAACP issued the following statement after voting to support marriage equality. The NAACP Constitution affirmatively states our objective to ensure the “political, educational, social and economic equality” of all people. Therefore, the NAACP has opposed and will continue to oppose any national, state, local policy or legislative initiative that seeks […]
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