Posts by Sue:
Take Our LGBTQ Social Media 101 Survey!
I am personally fascinated by the intersection of social media with social justice. From the use of Twitter during the recent uprisings throughout the Middle East to the Occupy movement, it is all abuzz. But on a microlevel, I have people say “I get like 4 links to your posts every day by Twitter, Facebook, […]
I am Team Bilerico
OK, well that’s a bit of an overstatement. Here’s my official bio. I like the aesthetic touch of my neighbors step ladder in the background. Very lesbian. Even if he is a straight white guy who does most of our odd jobs. Still … But I was pretty pleased when Bil Browning mentioned that I […]
My Debute on Bilerico … Sue and Rick Santorum: Yep, I’m the Lesbian Who Got Away
Today my first contribution to The Bilerico Project has been published. Thanks, Rick. And thanks to Bil and team for welcoming me on board.
Keystone/GayLife Newsletter Accepting LGBT of the Year Nominations
We’ve been repeatedly nominated and honored to be named “Lesbian of the Year” in 2010. Please make your nominations. If you are a fan of this blog, you can nominate us for “Lesbian of the Year” “GLBT Person of the Year” or “Favorite GLBT Media Publication” — it would be awesome to see a blog […]
Wagner, Weinstein Accept 35% Raises While Allegheny Co Residents Lose Food Stamp Eligibility
Inflammatory juxtaposition, no? Yes! And it should be because this is a horrible example of greed and complete disregard for the working class. Allegheny County Controller Chelsa Wagner was sworn in and a week later received a 35% raise, a $23,000 raise! County Treasurer John Weinstein received the same percentage (and actual amount). THIRTY FIVE […]
Show Your Support for W PA Girl Scouts and Trans Youth
Sign up on Facebook to support our local trans youth with the purchase of one extra box of Girl Scout cookies.
Tell The Girl Scouts of Western PA That The LGBTQ Community & Allies Appreciate Their Support of ALL Girls – Buy ONE Extra Box of Cookies ($4.00)
I just posted the story about the 14 year old Girl Scout calling for a Girl Scout cookie boycott because the Girl Scouts permitted a transchild to enroll in a Brownie troop. So here’s my proposal. Let’s all buy ONE extra box ($4.00) and donate that box to the Gay & Lesbian Community Center of […]
Support Transgender Children; Buy Extra Girl Scout Cookies
Found this today on Facebook … A 14-year-old Girl Scout named Taylor is calling for a boycott of Girl Scout Cookies because the organization welcomes transgender children, World Net Daily reports. This became “an issue” after the Girl Scouts denied membership to a young transgender child and then reversed itself. I think you should buy TWICE […]
Rick Santorum’s Desperate Need for His Gay Communications Director …
When I saw that Rick Santorum’s team has come up with a sweater vest fundraiser to raise a million dollars, I rolled my eyes. I’m not anti-sweater vest, but it is a little … dull? Then I saw the two mottos of the project “Don’t let sleeves slow you down.” “Second Amendment vest: the right […]
NJ Marriage Equality
This is pretty cool. Congress of the United States Washignton, DC 20510 January 6, 2012 Dear Democratic Colleagues in the New Jersey Senate and Assembly: We, the entire Democratic membership of the New Jersey Congressional delegation, urge you to support the marriage equality bill being introduced by the Democratic leadership in the state Senate and […]
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