Posts by Sue:
Rick Santorum: Eliminate Food Stamps b/c Obesity is The Hunger Problem
Ahem. This is offensive and ignorant on so many levels. It isn’t just a distasteful opinion, it is sheer distortion of factual information on the causes of hunger, the rates of hunger, the role of food stamps and the economy. How could you elect a President who doesn’t understand the association of poverty, employment and […]
Rick Perry Approves This Message Insulting Soldiers and Christians
httpv:// “I’m not ashamed to admit that I’m a Christian, but you don’t need to be in the pew every Sunday to know there’s something wrong in this country when gays can serve openly in the military but our kids can’t openly celebrate Christmas or pray in school. As President, I’ll end Obama’s war on […]
Its Hard To Be a Gay
Dear Lord … try reading this story from the Post-Gazette about the battle between a dead woman’s wife and her parents for $41,000. It is like a Law & Order/Harry’s Law mashup, with a heavy dose of Vatican Court thrown in for good measure. This is where the battle over DOMA takes us … into […]
Holiday Help – The Not So Pleasant Part
It happens every year. Every year for eight years. So why would I expect any different this ninth year of being involved in holiday giving projects? Today was the day. It was late in the year, but I wasn’t surprised. It was the call from the parent of young adolescents (11 and 14) seeking help […]
Simply Put: LGBT Folks Don’t Support Salvation Army
Bil at Bilerico has a great write up on this annual battle. Yes, the Salvation Army does good work. But so do the Boy Scouts. Both openly discriminate against LGBTQ children and adults, including employees. Since 1986 the Salvation Army has engaged in five major assaults on the LGBT community’s civil rights and attempted to […]
DOJ Investigates Allegations of Sexual Violence in Two Western Pennsylvania Correctional Facilities
The Department of Justice has opened civil investigations into two regional state operated correctional facilities in response to allegations that they failed to protect inmate from violence and sexual violence. In accordance with the pattern or practice provision of the Civil Rights of Institutionalized Persons Act (CRIPA), the department will investigate allegations that SCI Pittsburgh […]
Pennsylvania Private School Rejects Student Based on HIV+ Status
Milton Hershey School made this stellar decision to discriminate based on a criteria they don’t list on their application. The Delaware County boy has lived with HIV for his entire life. He controls the virus by taking five pills per day, plus vitamins, and sees his doctor about three times a year. Having HIV hasn’t […]
GLEE: Santana Sings It …
Holiday Giving Opportunities
The Pittsburgh Tote Bag Project is challenging you to organize a modest tote drive (25 bags) to be eligible to win some pretty nice stuff – Penguins box seats, overnight stay at a local Inn, movie passes, gift baskets and a $50 gift card to The Cheesecake Factory. You can probably collect 25 bags by […]
No Lesbians Allowed
I sent a link to a few friends yesterday and one casually mentioned that his workplace internet filters prevented him from visiting a site with the word “lesbian” in the title (perhaps in the whole content?) Ironically, he was able to look up tribadism from that very same computer. If they only knew! I won’t […]
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