Posts by Sue:
Hair Peace – a new blog
My hair stylist, Susan Veraldi, owns and operates Veraldi Salon in Oakland. She just published her first book, Hair Peace which is available for sale. She also launched a blog, On The Fringe, which offers some pretty amusing insights into the daily life of a hair salon. I enjoy supporting a business that has been woman […]
Letter to the Editor on Marriage Equality
Missed this in the Post-Gazette earlier in the week (I'd blame the search engine, but we've already been down that path). Like Mr. Franck, I was once the sort of earnest Christian whose judgment against sexual difference was formed according to what I thought were orthodox ideas about the Bible and Christian tradition. But I […]
Chick Fil A Corporate Speaks
I wrote this piece for Lez Get Real which includes the official statement from Chick-Fil-A corporate along with my analysis of what this whole sordid mess means for Pennsylvania. Thanks to Lez Get Real for the chance to bring a national audience to a regional/statewide issue. The story has gone viral and generated a lot […]
Update on Chick-Fil-A
From Good As You comes word that “Chick-Fil-A” has been de-listed as a corporate sponsor for the Pennsylvania Family Institutes upcoming marriages workshops. No word on whether is just a scrub of the marketing materials or a change in plans. Good As You also turned me onto Chick-Fil-A tweets …. here's the most recent evidence […]
PA anti-gay group teams up with Chick-Fil-A
I could make bad puns about the disgusting combo of a pickle on a chicken sandwich, but I'll let the article speak for itself. Take a look at an event scheduled for February 2011, co-sponsored by Chick-fil-A and the Pennsylvania Family Institute, the leading anti-gay group in the Keystone State and a group that has […]
Keystone Alliance – Gay Life Newsletter Readers Choice Awards
Last year, I was honored to be named Lesbian of the Year by this publication. So I want to be sure to invite you to submit your own nominations this year. The categories are in green. You can email your nominations as directed below. READER'S CHOICE AWARDS NEWS AND INFORMATION And as in the past […]
Tweeking and Plucking
Did some tidying up of the blogrolls. If I missed something, let me know. Two blogs on the roll I “met” through Twitter … Burgh Baby and Einstein's Desk. I also updated a few links, deleted some that are no longer open for business and made some other tweeks.
A Note From Heather Arnet With Regard to Five Years of Lesbian Corresponding
This past week was the Fifth Anniversary for Sue Kerr and her Pittsburgh Lesbian Correspondents blog. Pittsburgh has seen a number of women leading with their voices online over these last several years. Maria Lupinacci has been blogging as one part of the duo of 2Political Junkies since 2004. 2005 saw the launch of Lindsay […]
Kraus calls Burgess to task on lack of support for LGBTQ community
Bram Reichbaum from The Pittsburgh Comet alerted me to an exchange between City Councilors Bruce Kraus and Ricky Burgess during the pension plan bailout meetings. According to Bram: Kraus: “I am neither a Republican, a racist nor am I rich.” Points out that Burgess never has supported gay lesbian & transgendered legislation and so doesn't […]
Metcalfe story picked up by Lez Get Real
Prior to 2010, I used to contribute to Lez Get Real and Pam's House Blend routinely. That sort of fell to the wayside, but I have resolved to get back in the saddle in 2011. Here's my first step courtesy of Lez Get Real. Happy 2011!