Posts by Sue:
Why Young Christians Deserting Churches Might be Gay Related
Reverend Howard Bess, Baptist pastor from Alaska, has this to say in the Post-Gazette: Churches are no longer leaders in broad moral and ethical discussions. Young people have grown weary of churches that cannot get past issues such as homosexuality and abortion. Our new crop of church drop-outs is still very interested in alternatives to […]
Anti-Discrimination in PA
Hatboro, PA, passed an anti-discrimination ordinance which included sexual orientation and gender identity. Then the Mayor vetoed it. Hatboro Mayor Norm Hawkes vetoed a measure Monday night that would have established a borough commission to review prejudice claims – a step advocates argued was necessary to extend protection to gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgendered people […]
Well … where to begin. At last count, I have 600 email messages about DADT in my box and reading through them is dizzying. The Pentagon study endorsed the repeal of DADT, finding that 70 of enlisted mend women essentially see no negative impact. 70 percent. The Pentagon recognizes that repeal decisions from the courts […]
Those personal moments of discrimination
Just when I think I'm pretty accepted in mainstream society, I get a humbling reminder of my second class citizenship. I can't be very specific, but I was asked to hide my identity as a lesbian in a certain situation. That never feels good. I told you when my sister-in-law asked me to take down […]
Ohio Lesbian Wants to Return to West Point as Openly Gay Woman
The PG has the story. We are all waiting for the Defense Department report on Tuesday regarding the repeal of DADT. Recent court decisions and increasing pressure from the LGBT community that President Obama keep his promise to repeal have spurred our legislators to repeal under their own terms, instead of judicial terms. Good? Bad? […]
World AIDS Day in Pittsburgh
Complacency about HIV and AIDS will prove deadly. Wednesday December 1 is World AIDS Day and Pittsburgh groups are banding together to ensure the region does not take a sigh of relief on this issue. People are still dying. People are living with medical advancements, but face barriers to the lives we take for granted. […]
A Lesbian Thanksgiving
Our Thanksgiving is pretty nice. We all have small families so we all gather together (my parents, Ledcat's mother, her brother and his family, our sister-in-law's mother) wherever dinner might be. This year, we headed north to Mercer County. There's no real huge lesbian element to the holiday. We've been together for 7 years so no […]
I'm going back to anonymous comments because it is a bit cumbersome to register and post a comment. Let's try to act with some maturity. You can still use your real name. There are two or three people who post repeatedly and it is obvious who they are. Don't ruin it for everyone. Say what […]
Being “Other”
It really sucks when someone bluntly tells you that you aren't part of the group. I had this happen yesterday when someone didn't like a piece I wrote and told me that I was not part of their group because I didn't participate enough, nothing personal. Ha. That person clearly doesn't read my blog, because […]
Current Favorite Song
Thanks for 92.9 and 100.7 for making sure this hits the airwaves during most of morning commutes. 🙂