Posts by Sue:
i am willing to sell out
Bram was sharing his Sonoma Grill adventures (restaurant review in return for a gift card to raffle off to readers). It occurs to me that I am really ripe for some opportunities to burst the illusion of noble blogger. Beyond lesbianism, I've lost nearly 50 pounds in 8 months. Think of all the opportunities … Dicks – […]
Personal catch up
Just had coffee with Bram from The Pittsburgh Comet. It was nice to stretch blogging and political muscles that have been a little cramped lately. So, the diet and exercise regimen continues. I am closing in on the 50 lb mark which is pretty awesome. That is not my final goal, but I certainly intend […]
This n That
The PG has a good piece on the spread of poverty into the suburbs. In the Pittsburgh area, more than three-quarters of the poor population now live in the suburbs. In the decade since the turn of the century, “The number of poor in the suburbs has grown by more than twice the rate than […]
Gay Out the Vote!
I’m mad as hell and I don’t have time to go round and round and round …
This one goes out to the folks who can't seem to stop reading even though they detest what I have to say …
Dan Frankel says we need to vote for Onorato
LGBT champion, State Representative Dan Frankel penned a letter to the Post-Gazette urging Western Pennsylvania to support Onorato because he's the better choice on LGBT issues. The cruz of his arguement is that Corbett thinks existing anti-discrimination protections on the statewide level are fine and has no intention of expanding them. Onorato has stated he […]
The Big Gay 2010 Political Wrap Up …
I got nothing. You can vote Team Democrat and hope for the best. Or you can vote for the best commercial. Or the candidates least likely to have to defend themselves from being labeled a witch. I tried to write a thoughtful analysis, but the only person I have any respect for is Joe Sestak. […]
First, the banal …
I've been off the radar for over a week. I needed to recharge and rethink some of the ridiculous aspects of, well, everything. I've half-heartedly paid attention to the polls, but it was just last week I changed my screen-saved from “Elect Joe Hoeffel” to be honest with you. Hardly a rousing endorsement. I also […]
LGBTQ folks rally to reelect Congressman Patrick Murphy – PA
Congressman Murphy is possibly the only candidate in the entire nation that has the backing of the entire gay community, from Beltway insiders to jailed activists. He's been on the frontlines about repealing DADT and makes no apologies. If you've been paying attention to LGBT politics, you're most likely aware that the rift between Gay, […]
Spirit Day 10-20-2010
It does get better. You approach your 40th birthday and embrace the gifts of maturity. My partner and I are living the life, so to speak. We have good jobs where we can be ourselves for the most part. We have built a home together filled with a lot of real moments, including moments that have […]