Posts by Sue:
Pennsylvania changes gender ID policy
This is good news. Under PennDOT's old policy, to change the gender on their licenses or state ID cards, people had to prove they had sexual reassignment surgery. The new policy that is effective immediately doesn't require proof of surgery. It does allow a change in gender on the licenses if people are living full-time […]
I was felled by a twinkie
I have a new obsession. It is getting healthy. I've been using the Wii Fit Plus and a website to improve my fitness, nutrition and overall well-being. The results have been great so far. – no soda/pop since May (with the occasional ginger ale if my stomach is icky) – I've lost 29 pounds – […]
Parking what?
I have no idea what to say about the parking debacle. We were out of town for awhile and I am completely out of the loop except for Peduto's tweets. I'm speculating that I agree more with Bill than I do with Luke, but I have to admit that with Ledcat as a City employee […]
PG on Marriage Equality
Go read.
Stuff I Missed
Rob Rogers has a great cartoon on the recent pro-marriage equality court ruling. Not up to date on the California ruling? The Trib reprints a nice piece from the Washington Post on the ruling. This could end up at the Supreme Court level, but for now its nice to enjoy a victory. The Trib also […]
Lt. Dan Choi discharged from US Army; Continues to Serve
You may have heard by now that Lt. Dan Choi was honorably discharged from the United States Army under the Don't Ask, Don't Tell policy. Lt. Choi, fluent in Arabic, was serving as a linguist. Dan has also been an advocate for the LGBT community. He was in Pittsburgh courtesy of the Delta Foundation in […]
The Lesbian Movie
Last night, Ledcat and I caught the opening of “The Kids Are Allright,” the film about the kids of a lesbian couple seeking out their sperm donor. The movie was well made and much more about relationships with this one happening to be lesbian, than a lesbian movie. Annette Benning and Julianne Moore star and how […]
Gay Bashing in Pittsburgh – We Need a Liaison
You may have heard by now of a recent incident where a local gay man was assaulted while waiting for a bus. The community responded with two rallies and a lot of discussion about interaction between the LGBT community and the police. This is an age old debate that requires self-examination on both sides and that […]
Grocery store for Beechview
I don't pay a lot of attention to Beechview even though my neighborhood of Manchester is connected to it through both our State House and State Senate districts. So I didn't even realize they had no grocery store until this little missive from Senator Fontana arrived in my box … Fontana Says Beechview Grocery Store […]
Corbett facts wrong. Shocking!
Capitol Ideas debunks Corbett's ridiculous mocking of his working class citizens …. Kevin Silva, a senior vice president with the Warrell Corporation of Camp Hill, Cumberland County, said the company had been told by one applicant for a machine operator's position that, after factoring in travel costs, that he could make more money while receiving […]