Posts by Sue:
Pittsburgh’s Dyke March – Today! Who Will Be There?
Well, today is the day. This afternoon at say 2:45 PM, we'll see if our “fierce allies” in City Hall were able to finally resolve the issue of police protecton and allow women who don't typically attend fundraisers and public meetings the safety to exercise their first amendment rights? Don't get me wrong — I […]
Why my Dan Onorato counter remains …
While I am heartened to learn about the recommendations of the Human Relations Commission to extend domestic partner benefits to Allegheny County employees, I must admit wondering what the next hurdle will be? I don't enjoy being cynical on this topic. My heart feels for the employees left in limbo because the process has taken six […]
Letters! We love letters!
As always, I get very excited when folks write about stuff in the PG letters section. Average folks exercising their First Amendment muscles … what better way to start a Saturday! This one made me snort my coffee: Bring in his brother Regarding Mayor Luke Ravenstahl's 311 line: It's annoying that we, Pittsburgh taxpayers, must […]
Another step toward domestic partner benefits for Allegheny County employees
Yesterday, the Allegheny County Human Relations Commission made a formal recommendation that Allegheny County provide domestic partner benefits to County employees … Whereas the City of Pittsburgh has made domestic partner health benefits available to its employees for approximately a decade, and, Whereas in recent years benefits of this nature have been made available by […]
Obama extends some domestic partner benefits to federal employees
Well, incrementalism pays off for some federal employees. They can still get sick and die without health insurance, but at least their partners can visit them in the hospital. Today President Obama signed a presidential memorandum extending more benefits to same-sex partners of federal employees: family assistance services, hardship transfers, relocation expenses. In addition the […]
Local papers cover 2010 Pittsburgh PrideFest
Check out this nice piece in the Post-Gazette. It is a nice article and a nice festival, but I have to admit some sadness that the political/activist edge of Pride has morphed into a celebration of assimilation. I know that's the trend and it certainly isn't the fault of anyone local that Pride has lost […]
Pittsburgh LGBTQ Families – a Blog Post
Today is the fifth annual blogging for families today. Here's my question — when is the last time an LGBTQ event in Pittsburgh offered childcare?
Guess which City Councilor Did Not Opt to be in the 2010 Pride Guide
So much work still to do …
John Kerr, soldier
Like many veterans, my grandfather remained intensely private about his military experiences. My childhood memories are limited to stories handed down from my father and the only fear I ever saw in John's eyes — when the fireworks exploded on the 4th of July. He would try, but always failed to remain outside. Even as a pool drenched six year […]
A little more on GetEqual and activism in PA
From Pam's House Blend, a guest post on the increasing presence of GetEqual in the LGBTQ advocacy/activist scene. Distraught by recent delays, LGBT activists turn to civil disobedience to encourage the passage of the Employment Non Discrimination and repeal of “Don't Ask Don't Tell”. Groups like GetEQUAL are making their voices known though direct actions like chaining […]