Posts by Sue:
We need more LGBTQ and allies to run for office
And here's a chance to learn the “how to's” The Coro Center for Civic Leadership is currently seeking applicants to participate in this 12-week fall 2010 program, Running for Public Office, which works to strengthen citizen participation in public elections, and also to increase the diversity and level of preparation of candidates running for […]
Journey and GLEE
The end of an era: the closure of A Pleasant Present
The rumor is true. A Pleasant Present, the wonderful gift and pride shop in Squirrel Hill, is closing its doors after 16 years in business. I stopped by yesterday to chat with owner Michael Ferraro. He explained they will continue the close out sale (40% off!) through mid-July and close their doors forever. Ferraro is […]
Politicians at Pride
What a tough year for Joe Sestak and Dan Onorato. Philly and Pittsburgh Pride are on the same days. Onorato made the good call to attend Pittsburgh's event, but Sestak is in Philly. Sestak is sending a surrogate to Pgh, but I think it might speak volumes as to whom he sends. As I said […]
Happy Pride
Right now, thousands of lgbtq folks are on their way down to Liberty Avenue for the biggest celebration of the year … I hope you have a wonderful day! 🙂
More pinkwashing of Onorato
You know I love the man called Potter. His awesomeness is exceeded only by his 27 Facebook fans. 😉 Still, he recently gave some pinkwashing props to the Onorato campaign that made me sigh. From Slagheap: In other news, you may have already known this– word went out a couple days ago — but county […]
File this under: Ravensburgh bullshit
Oh, for God's sake … The state Ethics Commission and the city Ethics Hearing Board will not review Pittsburgh Mayor Luke Ravenstahl's nomination of his brother to the Allegheny County Sanitary Authority board, despite requests sent by local officials. Mayor Ravenstahl nominated his brother, newly elected state Rep. Adam Ravenstahl, to the Alcosan board on […]
The impact of HUD’s anti-discrimination rules on Pittsburgh and Allegheny County
OK, folks, so finally we see some payoff from the Allegheny County Anti-Discrimination ordinance in practical terms. The US Department of Housing and Urban Development has issued new rules requiring grant recipients to comply with local anti-discrimination laws. Traditionally, HUD requires all applicants for competitive grant funding to comply with all applicable federal fair housing […]
American Eagle takes a page from BP …
… and not in a good way. We've all heard about the ridiculous/offensive/hateful decision of BP to spend millions ($50 I believe) on a PR campaign, $50 million that would clean up a lot of dying birds and sealife. Or lost compensate people for lost income. You get the point. Here in Pittsburgh, we have […]
HUD did good
post to come on saturday on the recent reg changes at HUD and what they mean for folks here in Pgh and Allegheny County. also makes the push for statewide nondiscrimination HB 300 soooo important for affordable housing.