Posts by Sue:
What if the big "coming out" promised this week is a Christian, country music star?
TMZ beat People magazine to the punch with the disclosure that country music's Chely Wright plans to come out this week as a lesbian. The 39-year-old singer scored a #1 country song back in 1999 with “Single White Female,” when she was named Academy of Country Music new artist of the year. Wright is the […]
Repeal of DADT – White House says no?
Reports from the blogosphere indicate the White House may be trying to stall Congressional repeal of Don't Ask, Don't Tell. OK, let me try to summarize this …. Secretary of Defense Robert Gates issued a letter vaguely warning Congress NOT to include repeal of DADT in the military appropriations bill because they need to keep […]
North Side man alleges workplace gay bashing
Good for Thomas Hutter for stepping forward and standing up to discrimination and harassment. A North Side man says he was forced to quit his job at a Neville Island company because his boss kept taunting him for being gay. Thomas Hutter, 29, said Gabriel Tamilia, his supervisor at All American Grating, repeatedly harassed him […]
Joe Hoeffel in Pittsburgh today to talk about the environment
HOEFFEL TO CHALLENGE CANDIDATES ON NATURAL GAS EXTRACTION: Joe Hoeffel will discuss drilling in Southwestern PA Who: Joe Hoeffel, Democratic Candidate for Governor Terri Davin, Friends of Dunkard Creek What: Joe Hoeffel, Democrat for governor, will discuss the economic development potential and challenges to environment […]
Gertrude Stein Club Finds New Leadership
The good word from this week's Pittsburgh City Paper is good for Pittsburgh's Progressive Community … the Gertrude Stein Political Club of Pittsburgh has found new leaders to keep this legendary institution going strong. When the Gertrude Stein Political Club of Greater Pittsburgh made its endorsements for the May 18 primary this year, they came […]
Post-Gazette: Governor's Race Still Four Way Race
The Post-Gazette has another look at the Governor's race with an emphasis on economic issues. Here's there take on Hoeffel … While the perception of Mr. Hoeffel as a more liberal candidate often focuses on social issues such as abortion rights and gay marriage, he also stresses the need for an activist approach to economic […]
A Letter About Arizona
Tobias has given permission for this to be published. Please read this … Friends and colleagues — I have just finished reading through the text of the law that has been enacted in Arizona targeting undocumented immigrants. I have been studying the laws of the United States and working on civil rights issues for fifteen […]
Get Equal Targets Senate Armed Forces Commititee
No one from the Pennsylvania delegation serves on this committee. Would you participate if they did? Would you risk arrest and/or being cited? When I think about this, I have to keep in my mind my career as a social worker. I have to maintain my criminal history clearances, both in PA and through the […]
Random Stuff … Just Because
What do you think of the new look? May is Ledcat's birthday and blue is her favorite color. Don't worry. I have a real gift hidden … well, I can't tell you because she does read this. I think. At least she fakes it well. Nonetheless, blue. Today seemed to be the day of multiple […]
Update: Protestors stage sit-in at Senator John McCain's office over DADT
Attached is the letter to Senator John McCain from First Class Petty Officer Lonnie Allen. Update 4:45 PM The protestors are not from Get Equal or Equality Across America. They belong to an Arizona organization called HERO (Human and Equal Rights Organizers) based on Phoenix. The protestors are reported to have been arrested, cited and […]