Posts by Sue:
Black Trans Man Banko Brown, 24, Shot to Death by Walgreens Security Guard in San Francisco
Banko Brown, a 24-year-old Black trans man, is the most recent reported victim of anti-trans violence after he was fatally shot by a security guard in a San Francisco Walgreens. Banko used the surnames Brown and Paso. At approximately 6:33 p.m., SFPD officers from Tenderloin Station responded to a report of a shooting at 825 […]
Q&A with Weldianne Scales, Candidate for Magistrate District Judge 05-2-08
The biggest challenge of getting real justice for LGBTQ+ community members is to have judges who are culturally competent and lack bigotry. Judges need to use proper names and pronouns, of course, but judges also need to understand, and to be willing to understand, the particular problems and needs of members of this community, and […]
My Haudenosunee Dream Catcher
I am not of Indigenous or Native descent. I am a descended from white European colonizers, mainly from the British Isles and Western Europe who settled in what we now label as Pennsylvania, Maryland, and North Carolina. I do try to listen and learn from my Indigenous friends, colleagues, and trusted sources. I’ve tried to […]
Sue Kerr Named One of 15 ‘Lesbian Icons’ By LGBTQNation
When I was a young child, I remember riding with my grandmother in their car and asking her to identify her favorite part of her life. This was in the mid-1970’s. She didn’t miss a beat when she said “In my 50s.” I did the math and realized that was pre-me. She confirmed and said […]
Anti-Trans Lawyer Behind 2017 Failed Bathroom Ban in Pine-Richland School District Running for School Board in 2023
Mike Wiethorn is so committed to harassing and bullying trans and queer kids in the Pine Richland School District that six years after suffering a significant judicial defeat about anti-trans policies, he’s decided to run for a seat on the PR school board District 3 candidate, Mike Wiethorn. Mike is an attorney with 30 plus […]
Honored by Pittsburgh Equality Center
The Pittsburgh Equality Center gave me a great honor by focusing on my work in their newsletter as a Community Leader. In this month’s newsletter, we will explore the history of Lesbian Visibility Day, and I am thrilled to note that we will be spotlighting a special member of the Pittsburgh LGBTQIA+ community – the inspiring […]
Lesbian Visibility Day
I don’t have a lot of bandwidth to share today due to a cruddy stomach virus. I’d prefer to be eating soup than writing this post. But it feels necessary to show up in this space with intent and purpose. Lesbian Visibility Day is dedicated to increasing the awareness of lesbian women and their issues. […]
Sitting in Lynn Cullen’s Shadow
The first time I called Lynn Cullen’s talk radio program was in 1999. I was living in my parents basement while finishing graduate school. I have no recollection of why I called or what I wanted to say, I just remember what she said to me. Her sister Susan was on the air with her […]
Q&A with Bobby Wilson, Candidate for City Council, District 1
I’m proud to have passed three bills that, while they are primarily aimed at protecting reproductive freedom, they also have significant implications for the LGBTQ community. Historically, LGBTQ individuals have faced barriers to accessing healthcare, including reproductive healthcare. The overturning of Roe v. Wade and other related decisions by the Supreme Court not only impacts […]
Q&A with Rachel Rosnick, Candidate for Magisterial District Judge 05-2-31
The banning and/or criminalization of gender-affirming healthcare, reproductive healthcare, trans youth’s participation in sports, and forms of self-expression, such as drag, are hugely important right now. While these attacks are being primarily advanced through the legislature, any expansion of existing criminal codes as well as any arrests made during demonstrations against such legislation will be […]