Posts by Sue:
Fences Make Good Neighbors
Ledcat came home and put the dogs out, then went upstairs. She happened to glance out the window in time to notice that our neighbor TOOK HER GARAGE down, leaving a giant gap in the yard where the garage wall had once been. She made it back down to the yard just in time to […]
Of endorsements …
The Steel City Stonewall Endorsement meeting was held Sunday afternoon on the Northshore. For a glimpse into “live” coverage, check out the hashtag PghGayPick. I was a little caught up in the 140 character frenzy because I wrote most of these tweets and can't interpret a few of them 🙂 Kudos to tweeps @Bram_R and @Maria_In_Pgh (who […]
Women's Spa Night at GLCC
Ledcat and I attended this last year and it was very nice. My massage was a little vigorous, but the hand wax was really cool. I also felt super hip with my henna tattoo. 🙂 Come and let yourself be pampered! FREE mini spa night featuring: chair massages, hot wax treatments, henna art, guided meditation, […]
PghGayPick TODAY
The Steel City Stonewall Endorsement meeting is here, today and I'm pretty excited. How fare we've come since I was the lone blogger reporting from last year's event. This year we'll have a variety of instantaneous feedback via the various tweeps planning to attend (hashtag #PghGayPick) along with the usual bloggers. What's most exciting is […]
PA Lesbian Married Couple Denied Divorce in Pennsylvania
From Berks County comes word of a Pennsylvania lesbian couple stuck in legal limbo. They married in Massachusetts, but to obtain a Massachusetts divorce will need to reside there for one year. To get divorced in Pennsylvania, their marriage has to be legal in Pennsylvania which it is not. Thus, their divorce petition was turned […]
The deception with tact, just what are you trying to say?You've got a blank face, which irritatesCommunicate, pull out your party pieceYou see dimensions in twoState your case with black or whiteBut when one little cross leads to shots, grit your teethYou run for cover so discreet, why don't they: Do what they say, […]
Western PA Round Up
This is what caught my eye this morning … The military thinks we are stupid enough to accept a faux-relaxing of policies in lieu of real reform on Don't Ask, Don't Tell. You still aren't supposed to tell, but now if a third party tells on you — they aren't so quick to take action. […]
Another Church Leaves the Island in Southwestern PA
From the Post-Gazette: The First Presbyterian Church of Beaver has been allowed to leave the Presbyterian Church (USA) and take its property into the more theologically conservative Evangelical Presbyterian Church. An agreement between the 700-member church and Beaver-Butler Presbytery was reached Tuesday. The congregation made a parting gift to the presbytery of $133,700 from its […]
Because it *is* about more than LGBT rights … Vote for Joe Hoeffel
Joe Hoeffel for Governor
Health Care Resources for Uninsured and Underinsured in Allegheny County
This is an updated version of a very useful resource. It is a .pdf file which you can download or you can go to the Allegheny County Health Department website. HEALTH SERVICES DIRECTORY UPDATED FOR UNINSURED & UNDERINSURED Guide to Remain Valuable Tool Until Health Care Reform Fully Goes Into Effect The Allegheny County […]