Posts by Sue:
Just an FYI. I've turned on comment moderation and will now require commenters to register with blogware. I encourage anyone who feels silenced to go to blogspot and start a blog!
Quick update on Onorato …
Today, I was unsuccessful in getting the Onorato campaign or executive office to provide follow up information to the reports of a commission to provide domestic partner benefits to Allegheny County. One gay supporter confirmed the existance of the commission, but could not name its members. So I’ve tried another round of contacts with the […]
Potter on Quinn: Gay Sex Unsanitary?
Just a quick nod to our friend, the wonderful Mr. Potter over at Slag Heap. In a gesture of bipartisan conciliation, I've been trying to find an upside for conservatives in all this, and I think I've found one, thanks to lefty media watchdog group Media Matters (motto: “We listen to Glenn Beck so you […]
Onorato's gay voting record: worse than we've been led to believe
I have done you all a great disservice on this topic. Someone I trusted told me that Pittsburgh City Council never took a vote on domestic partner benefits and I took that person at their word. I went with the assumption that Onorato has never cast a vote on LGBT issues. I should have done my […]
My Twitter Buddy: PA Rep Mike Vereb
I had never heard of him. I began following him on Twitter simply because he's a PA elected official. He's a somewhat frequent tweeter so he began catching my attention. Here's his website. Last night, he made a comment Speaker Pelosi that caught my attention: So I retweeted questioning if this is the kind of […]
Breaking: Onorato allegedly creates domestic partner benefits commisssion
Tonight, Allegheny County Chief Executive Dan Onorato addressed the Liberty City Democratic Club in Philadelphia (their chapter of Stonewall Democrats). A member asked him about the lack of domestic partner benefits in Allegheny County. This is what he reportedly said: He said that he's convened a commission and that he told the head of that […]
The PG on Anonymous Comments
The headline is a bit misleading, but the Post-Gazette's Mackenzie Carpenter has a good piece on recent legal action involving anonymous comments. I thought it worth examining. We are a tiny blip in the Burghosphere. Not much commenting, but most of it is anonymous. Our comment feature can be tricky to use so I suspect […]
Of Questionnaires and other issues …
Steel City Stonewall Democrats are posting their candidate questionnaires. Be sure to check them out to see what your potential elected officials have to say about LGBT issues. I think most of the questionnaires should be up by the end of the day. The national Stonewall folks which host chapter sites are experiencing some technical difficulties. Bilerico […]
Steel City Softball ready to roll
The Steel City Softball League is gearing up for their 28th season. They are on Facebook and Twitter @scsl This is a time honored tradition in the region and sounds like a great way to get out, be out and enjoy yourself. These games are one of those things we always say we are […]
Correction: Onorato "Yes" on Domestic Partner Benefits
I was contacted by a board member with the Steel City Stonewall Democrats regarding an earlier post in which I criticized Dan Onorato for failing to answer the SCSD question on domestic partner benefits. SCSD acknowledged that they made an error uploading the file and sent me evidence that in the original question, Onorato responded […]