Posts by Sue:
Is the ACDC intentionally out of touch with local Democratic voters?
Over the past four years, I've made no bones about my dissatisfaction with Allegheny County Democratic Committee. Back in 2007, I tried to get information on my committeepersons. First attempt. Received a call back with my particular information, but no systemic response as how to access this information independently. I received another phone call with […]
I am plucking the Blogroll to reflect the blogs I actually read, not just those I want you to think I read. 🙂
Endorsement, Schmendorsement
Hmmm …. My State House Representative Chelsa Wagner and her husband and longtime progressive activist, Khari Mosely, invited me to meet Gubernatorial candidate Jack Wagner this week. Meet PA Auditor General Jack Wagner, Candidate for GovernorFriday, January 22 5-7PMHosts: Chelsa Wagner & Khari MosleyAva – 126 S. Highland Ave, East LibertyRSVP to Now […]
Snapshot of PA Gov and Sen races and Social Media: Repubs are ahead
Found this on Twitter last night. It is a spreadsheet snapshot of how the candidates in these two races are using Twitter and Facebook AND how effectively they are using it. Corbett is kicking ass. He has the second highest number of Tweeps (400) and the second highest number of Facebook fans (1,565). The leading […]
UPDATE: There is conflicting information emerging regarding the #Bresma orphanage. I would suggest monitoring the situation until an official spokesperson issues instructions. Donations are being accepted, but the best course of action might be to send immediate financial donations to a reputable group such as Rainbow World Fund, Yele, or the Red Cross and keep […]
Do "ex-gays" need workplace protections?
OK, this is a little devious. Parents and Friends of Ex-Gays (pfox) has won a minor victory by forcing Disney to include a measure providing employment protections for ex-gays in an upcoming stockholder vote. Burbank, CA — The Security and Exchange Commission (SEC) has directed the Walt Disney Company to accept a shareholder resolution requesting […]
Onorato favors "civil unions" but denies his gay employees health insurance for their families
Yeah, I'm that impressed with the tip I received last night that Onorato had publicly stated his support for civil union at a rally in York, PA yesterday afternoon. I confirmed with a campaign source, but I don't have any further details. This is a long way from the candidate who simply refused to answer […]
Facebook Friends
I love that Forever Home Beagle Rescue has four times the Facebook fans as Pgh Lesbian Correspondents. I'm biased because I'm working on a pet food drive to help the hungry four footed friends. One thing I love about Forever Home is their stated dedication to prevent homeless pettedness by working with families before they […]
Round Up
So here's what you might want to check out The trial challening California's Proposition 8 is underway. While the video is on hold pending a Supreme Court review, you can follow it pretty well on Twitter using hashtag #Prop8. Potter has the latest take on the Prevailing Wage legislation. My new City Councilperson, Daniel Lavelle, […]
Belated Congratulations on 4 Excellent Years by Bram Reichbaum
A few of you probably know that I'm wrapping up the Comet after a mere three years — so the idea that Sue has been blogging for four and is still working with a full head of steam is just mind-blowing to me. Mind-blowing and impressive. One thing I can salute Sue for is that […]