Posts by Sue:
Random Things of Interest
Found this on the Post-Gazette website: A hidden bias comes to light Social psychologists Hartmut Blank and Amy Hendren at the University of Portsmouth in the United Kingdom set up an experiment in which 240 people were approached on the street and asked if they could spare 10 pence for a parking meter. In some […]
This one goes out to the FOP with love from the women of Pittsburgh
Its a Celebration!
FOP throws down on "women's groups"
Oh, snap. FOP President Dan O'Hara did not just go there. Oh. Yes. He. Did. Officer O'Hara called the police bureau's decision to even hold a hearing a “miscarriage of justice.” “This should be tried in the courts,” said Officer O'Hara. He said the city's decision to act quickly was based on pressure from women's […]
Canary in the Coal Mine by Maria Lupinacci
I can't remember exactly when I started reading Pittsburgh Lesbian Correspondents but it couldn't have been too long after its inception because I had already added it to 2 Political Junkies' blogroll just a little over three months from its birth. So why did we choose to add a blog that centered on LGBT issues […]
Untitled by Thomas C. Waters
It is always exciting to celebrate a bogiversary, and I want to say congratulations to Pittsburgh Lesbian Correspondents for all the fine work done! I am humbled by the offer to write a guest blog, and I want to write about a topic, I know is of importance to Sue Kerr and add my spin […]
Untitled by Kevin Acklin
Congratulations to the Pittsburgh Lesbian Correspondents blog for a trail blazing fourth year anniversary on the Pittsburgh blogosphere! I am humbled and truly honored to provide my perspective on Sue Kerr and her blog's dramatic impact on our community and our continued battle for greater equality. Many of you may know me as the Independent […]
Visibility by George Hazimanolis
Congratulations to Pittsburgh Lesbian Correspondents on four great years of reporting on the LGBT community in and around Pittsburgh. I try to check in every day to see what the topic is, sometimes leave a comment or two, and often wish that more people would comment to keep the discussion going. I enjoy the blog […]
Blogiversary 2009 – The Plan
December 29 marks the end of my fourth year contributing to the Burghosphere. Wow. And to commemorate the event, someone posted the obligatory women are fat/mentally ill/unbelievable slant in the comments section. I must be doing something right (write?) if I still generate that sort of sniveling response from people who want me to just […]
Accolades and Anniversaries
Well, well, well. It has been quite a week for us here at Lesbian Central as we get ready to celebrate our 4th anniversary on Tuesday. First, the always surprising Mr. Potter singled out our blog and Maria of 2 Political Junkies for “shout outs” of sorts in his Christmas Eve summary of gifts he's […]