Posts by Sue:
“Homosexual”: Sometimes you just have to have a conversation
During Monday's evening newscast on KDKA, sports reporter Jory Rand covered the story about Larry Johnson's use of homophobic slurs. Johnson plays foortball for the Kansas City Chiefs. The episode began Sunday night, when Johnson questioned Coach Todd Haley's football credentials on his Twitter account. He used the slur during an exchange with one of […]
Don’t vote for Joan Orie Melvin … here’s why
This is somewhat breathtaking … Judge Orie Melvin dissented from an en banc Superior Court decision in Thierfelder v. Wolfert, 978 A.2d 361 (Pa. Super. May 19, 2009), which held that when a physician is providing specific treatment for psychological problems, and has a sexual relationship with the patient, if that sexual relationship directly causes […]
It iS saTurDAY
So much to review and comment upon … the weeks just fly by these days. I have become a devote of The Today Show. I used to be an avid morning NPR listener, but one day I clicked on the television and Harry n Maggie won my heart. I don't know why. Is it middle […]
Tom Michalow events
Tom got the Post-Gazette endorsement. Also .. Hi Everyone, Tomorrow night the Bellvue Chamber of Commerce is holding a Meet the Candidates night at Bellvue Elementary School this is going to be an important night in this highly contested race because this is a bi-partisan event and we want to have a good showing to […]
Some good LGBT news from the federal government
The US Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) is making changes to regulations that benefit LGBT families. HUD administers public housing. According to today’s announcement, HUD will submit a proposed rule that makes three important changes to federal regulations. First, it includes language that ensures same-sex couples and their children are recognized as families […]
Library Questions
Throughout the discussion over the library closures, I keep wondering why we have a beautiful new library on the Northside (total of two now) while other communities may have none. Perhaps it was dedicated funding? I stopped by the new Allegheny branch on Federal Street. It is big. I didn't see many books, but I […]
“Off the Record” Please
The City Paper spilled the beans when they reported that the Mayor went far over the line: “Off the Record” gives local officials rebuttal time as “guest humorists.” And according to several witnesses who contacted us after the fact, Ravenstahl used his moment on stage to send a message to ACLU state legal director Vic […]
I did not sleep well yesterday so my critical analysis skills are limited. For some reason, Wanda Sykes was my mail carrier and I had to fire her. She did not take it well. Caught this little gem in the Somerset newspaper – Does anyone know that Hitler and Stalin were nominated for the […]
Sunday’s Sister ShOUT – Pgh LGBT Film Festival & Win FREE passes
Tune in Sunday when we talk with Mitch Lieb about Pittsburgh's Lesbian and Gay Film Festival. The show is broadcast live at 5 PM Courtesy of the Film Society, we are offering two free passes to a Festival film. The drawing will be live on the broadcast. To be eligible, you need to follow […]
HB 300: they just don’t understand
Word on the 'net is that this legislation will come to a floor vote in the Pennsylvania House sometime in November. There are 25 legislators in Pennsylvania who still don't believe/understand that our community experiences discrimination. This seems to be the core issue — convincing them that the legislation is necessary to protect against a […]