Posts by Sue:
Christmas Wishes …
Holiday Avatar.jpg
Office Hlavac Fired
Women in Pittsburgh are rightfully angered by the Ravenstahl Administration's bumbling on the domestic violence charges against Sgt Eugene Hlavac who stands accused of a charge of simple assault for punching his ex-girlfriend in the face hard enough to dislocate her jaw. In 2007, Ravenstahl and his team of top brass pledged a zero-tolerance policy […]
Happy Holidays
I am not sure I will make it to the computer so I want to wish everyone a very Merry Christmas. I am grateful for our thoughtful readers and I am also grateful that my use of Merry Christmas earns me bonus points on the AFA Naughty or Nice list. Today, Ledcat and I had […]
Could foursquare change politics? is *supposed* to promote social and recreation venues. It was recently voted the second most popular social media application on So I started thinking … what if foursquare were tweeked a little bit to promote municipal and political events? For example, JeanneKCC live tweeted from the preliminary hearing for Eugen Hlavac, woman beater […]
Following politicians and elected officials on Twitter
I've created a Twitter “list” of Pgh regional and statewide elected officials and politicians using Twitter. You can find it here: So far, I've identified 53 pol-tweeps. The vast majority are members of the State House of Representatives. From Pittsburgh, the pickings are a bit slim. You can find Pgh City Councilmembers (and members-elect) […]
Sgt Hlavac facing assault charges opts to takes vacation
Ah, the price we citizens pay for the might of the FOP. Sgt Hlavac is in the news again for dislocating the jaw of his ex-girlfriend and the mother of his child. He claims he was defending himself. Hmmm. Potter at the City Paper. After outrage greeted Hlavac's promotions, Ravenstahl pledged that a new domestic-violence […]
Contented thoughts
Has been a busy week at Lesbian Central. Steel City holiday party Weds eve was nice — they (we?)are looking for new board members. Give it some thought; you don't have to be a political junkie to make an impact. You just have to care and be willing to roll up your sleeves. I'd like […]
I know I won't have time to blog tomorrow so here are a few end of weekend thoughts … Saturday's Handmade Arcade was a really nice event. Picked up some good gifts for my brother, mother-in-law and work folks. Ran into a handful of acquaintances, but mostly reveled in the DIY niceness that pervades the […]
Friday Round Up
Feministing take on the Uganda Hate Bill. But it's important to remember that this bill is still AN ANTI-GAY BILL. No matter the severity of the suggested “punishment” for homosexuality, the premise is uber-problematic. I also think it's important to remember that the anti-gay sentiment that created the bill has not been eradicated. Good point. […]