Posts by Sue:
Sister Shout! talkin’ donuts
Yep, we'll be covering the twists and turns in the whole wingnut/donut story this weekend, from the blog posts to the response of the Urban Spoon website. Tune in to hear our take on the importance of company branding when it comes to gay dollars. The topic of “buying gay” will be a theme we […]
The Bigot Stands Alone; “More men will be abused” warns colleague
Poor Darryl Metcalfe. According to the Pittsburgh Tribune Review, the PA Representative from Cranberry has received “lewd, vile and vulgar” e-mails and letters opposing his position. As a Christian, Metcalfe told colleagues, he still believes homosexuality is a “sinful lifestyle.” One of his critics, according to Metcalfe, said he was “hoping I will meet my creator […]
Local Donutter Also Wingnutter
UPDATE: Local restaurant review site, The Urban Spoon, took down a slew of LGBTQ written comments about this business yesterday. I complained to the site managers and was told the comments “probably” contained Terms of Service violations, but no specifics (even on my own removed comment). I asked The Urban Spoon specifically about the relevance […]
The Trumpet Inside Me: Reflections on a Magical Night
What happens when you mix a hard-drinking cougar with a crowd filled with lesbians? Bedazzle. Last night, an artist looked into my soul and shared my life with the world. It was like she took all my blog posts and read each one aloud. Strumming my life on her ukelele. Ledcat and I stopped in […]
“Ex-gay” ministries in Pittsburgh
In an earlier post, I mention the possibility of a Northside church hosting an ex-gay ministry. It caught my attention for two reasons. First, these ministries are horrificly damaging, condemned by the American Psychological Association and prey upon very vulnerable people who need support sorting out their identy, not coercion. Pam's House Blend has a […]
Wednesday Musings
I think today is Bisexuality Awareness Day. Check out the GLAAD posts about this topic. I have multiple friends who are bisexual. Sadly, I have multiple acquaintances who 1) don't believe in bisexuality or 2) have no compunction mocking bisexual people as “not really gay.” There's also the whole contingent that believe all bisexual people […]
What a Week! Oh, is it Tuesday?
Oh, the drama. Everywhere. Helicopters buzzing in the skies. Mysterious white cargo vans with big blue letters cruising the streets. Police takeovers of coffee houses. Soup kitchens being chased all over town. Pit bulls! Gay men. Churches. Table ladies. My, oh my. I can't begin to keep up. Check with Bram for coverage of the […]
Things I’d like the Mayor’s LGBT Advisory Committee to weigh in on
In no particular order, these are topics I'm hoping the Mayor's LGBT Advisory Committtee will review. 1. Treat the Dykes fair and square. In 2009, the Mayor's office was a $10,000 sponsor of PrideFest, ensuring the best in public safety and public works for an event worth tens of thousands of dollars. 2009 also marked […]
International Thoughts
A major disadvantage to our new podcast experiment has been less time for blogging. In time for the G-20, a roundup of some international LGBTQ information and news …. Belgrade, Serbia has cancelled Gay Pride. In spite of plans of horrific violent attacks from anti-gay foes, the government backed the event as a constitutional right, […]
2 LGBT political events coming up
Sunday from 2-4 PM at Monte Cello's on Babcock Boulevard, come out to support Allegheny County Council candidate Tom Michalow. This event, sponsored by the Steel City Stonewall Democrats, gives you a chance to meet Tom and learn about his qualifications as well as the reasons LGBT persons from around the region are coalescing around […]