Posts by Sue:
Status of permits
The march on Friday 25 has not received permit. They appreciate commitment but need permit Believe they should get to one block away from Convention Center. ******************************* Sue Kerr Pittsburgh Lesbian Correspondents Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry
Teamsters showed up chanting because they are mad about Jim Ferlo. They cheered on the labor speakers and headed inside to look for Jim. “We are part of the City of Pittsburgh,” says a soccer mom. They want public meetings with feds to announce plans. They are in place but just withholding information. This promotes […]
Update from press conference
I am lurking around picking up juicy tidbits. Caught Doug Shields on his way in to meet with Public Safety Director, Michael Huss. So he stopped to give KDKA an interview. He assures civil rights will be balanced with public safety. He also claims police are there to protect the G20 folks not crack down […]
Al Hart from the UE comments that losing two days pay is a hardship. They are asking City Council to speak up for the average people. ******************************* Sue Kerr Pittsburgh Lesbian Correspondents Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry
Live from Merton Ctr Conference
I am downtown at City County Bldg for the Thomas Merton Ctr press conference. I am blogging on blsckberry so I hope this comes thru. If u could send me a tweet or text telling me you can read this, that would be awesome. So far, WPXI and WTAE are here and a handful of […]
Lutherans and Letters
Ann Rodgers talks with a few local Lutherans about their reaction to the recent decision to accept partnered gay clergy. The language of acceptance was carefully tailored to allow those who object to equality on the basis of their religious beliefs to be free to continue to associate their bigotry with the Lutheran denomination. Wow. […]
Newsflash: I’ll be working with Pridecast
Good news this Monday morning, especially for those of you wishing OUT in Pittsburgh media had more lesbian content and coverage. I've been invited to be a recurring guest on their biweekly podcast, PRIDEcast with Jason Lucarelli. This will be a great chance to talk about important issues such as HB 300, the formation of […]
Finally, Pgh Media Discusses G-20 Issues Rather Than Tactics
I am thrilled with today's Pittsburgh Post-Gazette. I don't agree with all the content (the gushing over Stanley Lowe made me choke), but the fact that we have content on a Sunday rather than New York Time reprints is wonderful. My delight was tripled when I read the piece on the G-20 by arguably the […]
What exactly is going on in Maine?
You may have heard some rumblings that there's a ballot battle up in Maine. Perhaps you wonder what its all about and what it means for Pittsburgh. Maine affords marriage equality to all residents. This means same sex couples can marry and enjoy the privileges and rights associated with that institution, both legally and personally. […]
Pgh Queer Round Up
The Post-Gazette has a little blurb about Obama's flip-flop on DOMA, making the excellent point that toning down the support requires action on the promise to repeal. Never mind his conservative critics. Mr. Obama, who hasn't fulfilled his pledge to end “the don't ask, don't tell policy” on gays in the military, has a lot […]