Posts by Sue:
Prove your gender. With photos. Philly?
I'm not sure Allegheny County Council should brag about adopting the “Philadelphia” model of non-discrimination legislation. First, there was the private swim club that refused to honor a contract to let children swim there because it (let me make sure I have the quote right) … “changed the complexion” of the pool. Now comes another […]
It has been a hell of a week. On top of everything else, my “little cold” escalated into bronchitis, a throat infection and an ear infection. I'm on antibiotics and couch rest for a few more days. This is a busy time at work so I'm pretty frustrated. I tried blogging but IE kept closing so […]
City Council to close during G-20; what about the average Joes?
I'm getting tired of learning how the privileged and elite and laptop fortified employees of Downtown are preparing for a few days without their Starbucks fix. City council offices to close during G-20 Tuesday, August 18, 2009 By Liyun Jin, Pittsburgh Post-Gazette City Council will adjust its calendar for the G-20 summit, President Doug Shields […]
Franco “Dok” Harris chimes in on City’s stalling tactics on G-20 dissent
Protests on the Northside between the stadiums makes a weird sort of sense, even though I know there is no way on earth on I will be able to leave my home tucked a mile away from that locale. I've been told from friends that they were able to listen to the entire Stones concert […]
Thomas Merton Center convences emergency meeting for G-20 dissenters
Received this via email: Thomas Merton Center August 17, 2009 Emergency Civil Liberties Meeting – Be There!!! We tried to keep our G20 protests peaceful. We applied for permits to create a framework for the many protesters from other areas to fit in peacefully and avoid chaos.Our permits were denied. Does that force us to act […]
Photos from Pgh Kiss In
Uploaded the photos from today's Kiss In at the Westin Hotel in Pittsburgh. About a dozen folks shows up, but unfortunately, I was the only local attendee. I kissed Jeff from Harrisburg! 🙂 He was drawn to my Steel City Stonewall shirt … Here's the link to the photos …