Posts by Sue:
Is Onorato Exaggerating or Lying?
Why can't Dan Onorato be content to exaggerate his role in passing this legislation? He jumped on board the anti-discrimination bandwagon months after the wagon was rolling and clearly missed the opportunity to be a leader on this issue. Still, he's not one to miss the opportunity to *claim* he was a leader. But, I […]
Western Pennsylvania Diversity Initiative
I had never heard of this project until the article in today's Business section of the Post-Gazette (see, it does pay to read the whole paper). They have hired their first director, Dina Clark, who has a background with the Anti-Defamation League. The groups mission and vision: The Western Pennsylvania Diversity Initiative (WPDI) is a […]
There sure has been a lot of fuss about Bruno. Many, many LGBT folks are up in arms about the tasteless portrayal of a gay man on the prowl for fame. Ledcat and I saw the movie on Friday night and laughed quite a bit. Some of it was just gross, but laughing at the […]
Support one of Pittsburgh’s Most Important LGBT owned businesses
LAST 3 DAYS WE'RE STILL IN BUSINESS SALE… * 30% OFF ENTIRE STORE… *CD'S AND VIDEOS 15% OFF **YELLOW TAG MERCHANDISE ADDITIONAL 15% OFF OF CURRENT SALE PRICE A Pleasant Present 2301 Murray Avenue Pittsburgh, PA 15217 412.421.7104 This is the opportunity […]
Racism at Philly Pool
Less than 24 hours after the “official” signing of the Allegheny County Human Relations Ordinance comes word that a Philadelphia private swim club won't let a summer camp filled with children of color swim at their pool. From CNN: The Creative Steps Day Care children — ages kindergarten through seventh grade — went to the […]
Sue and Ledcat Review the County Non-Discriminationi Ordinance Celebration
Just random thoughts after attending what was supposed to be the signing ceremony for the Alleghen County Human Relations Commission ordinance. Somehow it got signed two days ago. So what we had instead was a lot of build up to Dan Onorato pretending to swish a pen around on paper. I would ask for a […]
Letter to the Editor: Marriage Equality
Always a lift to read a suuportive letter to the editor. Not a fan of “sexual preference”, but I agree that marriage equality is about the community and region as much as it is about individual civil rights. Local leadership: the next step The leadership in our city has done so many things right over […]
Gay Bashed Downtown
From Wikipedia Gay bashing is an expression used to designate verbal confrontation with, denigration of, or physical violence against people thought to be lesbian, gay, bisexual, or transgendered (LGBT) because of their apparent sexual orientation or gender identity. Similar terms such as “lesbian bashing” or “queer bashing” may also be formed. A “bashing” may be […]
Fort Worth
The Post-Gazette carried the NYT story about the police raid on a gay bar in Ft. Worth. You can read the full story at Pam's House Blend. Ft.Worthians have created a new organization and defined this a unifying moment for the city's gay community. Related to that event, here's a post from a new radical […]
Candidate for Allegheny County Council Tom Michalow’s chimes in on the Human Relations Ordinance
Tom Michalow is running against sitting County Councilperson Matt Drozd for a northern suburban district. Tom made time to attend the Council debate on the Human Relations ordinance and expressed disbelief at the “arguments” of the 6 dissenting members. I like how Tom positions this as a human rights issue. I am pleased to see […]