Posts by Sue:
Positive LGBTQ letter to the editor
Woke up a bit early this morning and had a nice surprise. Ian Price of Friendship took the time to write in with his thoughts on the impact of the Pittsburgh LGBTQ Pride March. In the spirit of Pittsburgh's 250th anniversary, we stop and reflect on the great things Pittsburgh has achieved and on the […]
National Roundup
Dear Lord, I have no clue where to begin. I've been so focused on the local scene that I've lost touch with what's happening on a federal level. How about you? I'm on a national LGBTQ blogging email list and the volume is mindblowing. Sometimes I feel like I'm crouching in the corner trying to […]
LGBTQ Family Picnic scheduled for August
This is a neat event. The Lambda Foundation and the Gay & Lesbian Community Center of Pittsburgh are cohosting their first ever LGBTQ Family (friendly) Picnic on Sunday, August 9, 2009. Here's the details: WHERE: NORTH PARK GOLD STAR GROVE WHEN: SUNDAY, AUGUST 9, 2009 12:00 TO 6:00PM FISHING CONTEST AND GAMES […]
A few personal reflections on the Allegheny County Ordinance
I have spent the last 24 hours trying to mobilize folks to call County elected officials on Monday in the hopes that the Human Relations ordinance can be salvaged. I've been texting, tweeting and talking non-stop for most of the day (ask Ledcat). I feel like Scott Hanley during a WDUQ pledge drive. I even […]
Somtimes, the Post-Gazette really pisses me off
Like this weekend. I open the Forum section to read an entire piece about deliberative polling on same sex marriage that is first of all, dull, and secondly, completely devoid of any actual human terms. Like gay. Or homosexual. Or LGBT. This pretty much sums up how we can sanitize the whole issue to satisfy […]
Monday Call to Action
ACLU-PA analysis of proposed Allegheny County Council Human Relations Commission Ordinance as Amended
This is Section 215-31(H)(1), the problematic section of the Human Relations ordinance: Section 215-31(H)(1) For the purposes of this Article, the definition of “employer” shall not include any religious organization, regardless of number of employees or County funding, provided that such religious organization provides documentary evidence of its religious nature to the Human Relations Commission […]
Allegheny County: the explanation
On Wednesday, July 1, 2009, the Allegheny County Council will vote upon an ordinance which would create a Human Relations Commission to ensure that County residents are not being discriminated against in the areas of employment, housing and public accommodation. No such ordinance exists at the County level. Residents of the City of Pittsburgh have […]
Call to Action: It is do or die (aka not exist) time folks!
Stay tuned for more details on the Allegheny County Non-Discrimination Ordinance amendment quagmire. We MUST regain control of the ordinance language. Right now, it will allow organizations that are funded with your county tax dollars to discriminate against you. And that's just the beginning. Put Monday on your calendar. We need you and everyone you […]
Call to Action: It is do or die (aka not exist) time folks!
Stay tuned for more details on the Allegheny County Non-Discrimination Ordinance amendment quagmire. We MUST regain control of the ordinance language. Right now, it will allow organizations that are funded with your county tax dollars to discriminate against you. And that's just the beginning. Put Monday on your calendar. We need you and everyone you […]